Surfriding Bumped the bottom and boom

Bumped the bottom of the lake pretty hard after a big nose stab this past Sunday. This is the result. I was running rhaas mounts and Kenny keepers. None of the mounts broke and the hull didn’t crack. None of the motor mount inserts failed either. I’m thinking that the mounts didn’t flex enough on impact so the stress was transferred to the engine??? Theres a little deto in the cylinder that failed but I don’t believe that was the root cause of the failure.






The motor only has 2 light seasons on it and ran great right up until that hit. The other rod and crank bearings seem to be in good shape. I would hope an ADR crank held up longer than it did

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Zero Client

Douglasville, GA
Dang man. What compression were you running? What CR? Pump gas? Squish relief? That rear piston was also taking a beating. Also look at the rear connecting rod - it wasn't happy at all around the bottom bearing. It should not have turned black - Black would be overheating as shown by the carbon around the rod at the bottom bearing. I bet the same black carbon might be seen underside of the piston as well as the front rod/piston. Not good for pistons nor crank!
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