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  1. Joshua707

    broken links all over

    why is there so many broken links on this forum? tons of info is not acessable.
  2. Joshua707

    Super Jet 46mm on 61x intake

    can anyone verify that a 46mm sbn will fit a 61x intake? i bought a new carb from blowsion thinking it had the same bolt battarn as the 44 but, now i have read some conflicting info. i was under the impression i just needed to bore the intake, then i read a thread about the wet jet intake being...
  3. Joshua707

    cooling routing

    will this work? looked over lots of setups but still very confused, many of the links that are older are broken and provide little
  4. Joshua707

    cooling routing

    will this work? looked over lots of setups but still very confused, many of the links that are older are broken and provide little but frustration. please someone give me a reach around. thanks! i guess the pic did not load the first time.
  5. Joshua707

    holes in pump shoe

    At the begining of summer i swapped out the AM intake grate that came on my 90 SN. (i just got this ski in may 2017 and its my first one) When i pulled off the old intake grate, i thought nothing of bolt length, when i installed the new one i followed the directions. "short bolts in the rear" i...
  6. Joshua707

    SN 650 impeller upgrade

    i was looking to get a new impellar for my completely stock 1990 SN SJ, i cant seem to find this pitch "skat trak 12/15 freeride swirl" what is my next best option? ( i know nothing about the relationship between the first and second number) i dont plan on upgrading to a 701 until next season...
  7. Joshua707

    riding groups link not working?

    Hi everybody! Im new to the sport and newer to this forum. the (new) riding groups link seems to not work. is this a known issue?
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