Super Jet Leaking carb


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
Having a problem with my carb that I just don't get...

Stock carbs. 3 months ago I rebuilt my carbs for the 1st time (2004, I bought in 2011). It was running like :):):):). Got a pop off gauge from JM. Pop off was leaking at 25. I put in all new SBT stuff. pop off on both carbs 53 is stock. Ski was crisp.

Ski was starting to be a little less crisp again. it's apart to upgrade from all stock to all limited. I opened fuel pump to clean and inspect, closed up, and checked pop off, 25 leaking in both carbs from the fuel pumps. I got 2 sets of JM allen screws and slave carb is now pop off 56 and will hold pressure at 45-50 range with no leaking anywhere.

however, my primary carb is leaking like crazy. It leaks from all 4 sides at both plates. I put JM screws in tight and it still leaks. Tried to use grease on the o-ring, minimal change.

So I just cleaned the grease off and put in a brand new SBT rebuild kit. Leaking like crazy. Worse place it is leaking from is at the carb body inline with the pulse line. Brand new rebuild kit, starts leaking at 20-25, leaks like crazy by 40. All corrosion and gaskets have been removed from all surfaces, perfectly clean with no gouges or pitting. Cleaned the corrosion out of the channels of the o-ring. Everything looks clean and gouge/pit free.

Assembled carb body, o-ring, diaphram (soft rubber one that matches carb shape), valve body, o-ring, diaphram (clear plastic), gasket (paper). Left overs are 2 paper gaskets and one thin rubber gasket for the other series.

Carb screws are so tight they are starting to crush the brand new paper gasket out the sides.

Thoughts? Am I assembling it wrong? I put it together the way it was when I got it. Didn't have any problems last time. brand new stuff... what stupid little thing am I messing up??????


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
I spoke with Tom21 this morning. He's had the same problem before. He told me the SBT o-rings are too thin, to put back the stockers. My slave carb still had the OEM o-ring in it because I didn't rebuild it. 3 months ago, my needle and seats were leaking (both, so I replaced both) and i figured, what the heck, these carbs are 9 years old, I'll rebuild them just to be sure my ski works perfect. but 3 months later, it's leaking again. Rebuild the carb, leaks horribly.

Anyway, long story short, I opened the carb, I put in the OEM o-rings (glad I saved them), changed nothing else, tightened the screws less tight than I did with the SBT stuff. Pop-off holds perfect at 52.

No more SBT rebuild kits for me.
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