Other bpipe pressure relative to amount to open the top water screw for best spray patterns

I posted this in another thread question about what screw to open,Im more interested in hearing what some of you do with finding the sweet spot in the top screw and how much water pressure you apply to the head pipe cooling. Since alot of guys have found out that water injecting the pfp in the mani direct from the pump with 1/2 lines DRASTICALLY improves low end responce and power of even the largest of motors,Im wondering how many are injecting the b pipe similarly with added drilled in manual injectors or at least setting up the stock water injectors for best pressure and spray patterns

I find the amount of turns out a given screw is on a particular head pipe means very little once you are open more than 1/2 to 3/4 turn.The pressure you supply to the b pipe has a HUGE effect on how the power band comes on. the pressure you supply is effected by a few things,from the size pump fittings all the way up to if you plum the pipe on its own cooling line,to the pressure on the jetworks valve and the size restrictor you use in the other side of the y split from the stinger overboard. I also find that setting your top screw to the perfect spot where the screw is down just enough to give you a really fine spray mist makes the best response,this is usually less than 3/4 turn out. I hook a garden hose necked down to fit the lower cooling inlet,I use the cooling line out of the ski with the y fitting and restrictor and jetworks valve installed to set for that sweet spot. put a gauge on your cooling line coming out of the head pipe and find your default pressure with your ski in water and nose into the dock and full throttle or if your brave ride it with the hood off to get a true reading. even certain cylinders and heads effect pressure as well as the size and number of cooling fitting you use on them.,one other thing I have had success with is using half inch fittings and cooling lines from pump to mani and then 3/8ths outa the head,if you dont run a split cooling system,keeps pressure high but doesnt over cool cylinder,otherwise just run 1/2 inch straight to the head pipe from the pump

One of the days we were tuning the true performance 965,on a newly ceramic coated headpipe,I found out some retard threw in the tumbler and got polishing balls all inside the water jacket....after riding a few min on couple b pipe water screw settings,all the sudden the power came on MUCH better for low end and responce.I noticed I had lost cooling to the top pisser,the one coming off the y split to jetworks valve. took it in and found that a bead had gotten stuck in the top cooling line and totally closed it off. This increased the pressure in the headpipe and made a huge diff. Some others there thought the diff was just cause the pipe heated up and the water box dried out. Ive found that with a jetworks valve,riding around testing low end response and power,they dont open much at all,same test nose in to dock at full throttle blips with jetworks valve disconnected from stinger. check when flow starts..I find a resrtictor on the jetworks valve useful as well. Ive heated the pipe up with almost completly closing all screwss and disconnected the stinger water completely to see if it makes anywhere near as much diff as more water pressure using restrictions to the head pipe outlet with the top screw open and it just doesn't even come close...some people just refuse to get it...try it for yourself.... you will lose some top end and a few rpms but your motor will come off bottom and mid HARD.The motor doesnt stay on the pipe up top,thusly if you or someone else rides your ski and wrings its neck wide open,the motor makes WAY less heat and is way less likely to seize with this kinda pipe setting...win win in my book if you could care less about a few mph on top end racing.
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Two points I have learned from two different engine builders over the years. First, the top screw hole can change over time because being so close to the manifold, carbon builds up in the area so much that sometimes it gets closed off with carbon. Secondly, one builder maintains that despite some performance gains on low end response the top screw should remain closed due to the amount of moisture this brings back into the topend of the engine. This builder recommends only running the middle screw open. I agree with you that the top screw open the right amount adds low end snap but I thought it was worth mentioning for others to consider. On the other side, I once rode a 701 with msd water injection up top and the low end hit was amazing.
Freakrider. I dont think water gets in the cylinder through the bleed holes,by setting pressure and spray patterns with the garden hose,I can tell you that once the pressure is released on the hose,no water travels through those holes,the water travels back down through much larger cooling lines and out of the head pipe. I have opened the middle screw a tad to get a little more prolonged mid range with mixed results,not as good as top screw.

tip... I have yes,sometimes dual cooling and a dedicated line to pipe as well, Im talking about just restricting the water coming out of head pipe not to the head pipe,that would defeat the purpose..I believe in anything other than very warm water you could still get away with it even without it though,your direct over board outa the cylinder would increase


Squarenose FTW
Site Supporter
I have found my new Solas Mag pump delivers much higher pressure than my old OEM pump did.
I am running top-closed, middle-1/2 and bottom-1 turn open and my C4 pipe runs cool
but still hits like a ton of bricks
what motor setup you using those water settings on? OF corse the mag will make more cooling pressure,the thrust pressure is also much higher


Squarenose FTW
Site Supporter
I have found my new Solas Mag pump delivers much higher pressure than my old OEM pump did.
I am running top-closed, middle-1/2 and bottom-1 turn open and my C4 pipe runs cool
but still hits like a ton of bricks

what motor setup you using those water settings on? OF corse the mag will make more cooling pressure,the thrust pressure is also much higher

ported 718 61x/61x 46mm 185 psi. I hooked up my new mag pump and started blowing off water lines! my ski now sounds like a blender

Close all the screws and add a spray fitting, but don't tell anyone.

where does one get spray fittings?
another interesting bpipe issue found today,Got a like new but slightly used bpipe off a team scream856 motor,bored out maini and head pipe,setup by TS for that motor,bottom closed,middle and top screw 3/4 or so open,Im working with another test motor and setting up for low end,I closed the middle and opened top 3/4 and was getting crap results,pipe was too cool and slow response amoung other signs something isnt right,took the head pipe off and hooked up to a hose,found the bottom screw was letting alot of water in at a sharp angle,same amount with the screw all the way open or shut...some of these pipes have bad alignment on the holes and where the screws close..double checking it on the hose is worth it, epoxied the hole shut and it made a huge diff in low end responce, power
Hi Everyone.Hope this is the right thread.
Guys, please help a newcomer to setup correctly the water screws.
I'm runing a Xscream 856, sea level. What would be a perfect setup if you could advice would be just great! I do attach a pic to be more specific.
View attachment 224853
To ask in advance, what does it mean 3/4 of the top screw?
Thank you!
the top screw is opened 3/4 turn from closed.. great thread for pipe tuning.. it really is amazing how much more power can be found through taking the time to do this to your boat.. it really doesnt matter what size ski you have either.. i too used the water hose method and found water leaks in my head pipe as well.. im running a heavily modded 550 reed engine and have a factory pipe with the tuning screws as well.. im also running parallel cooling and have a restrictor on my bypass line before the flow control valve.. you can also use that and the fcv to heat the water up coming out of the pisser for more power too.. my top screw is open 1/4 turn to get the spray pattern and the pipe still runs a lil cool.. ive even tried an adjustable water valve from lowes to adjust the water coming into the pipe and wow you can really increase the top end of the ski that way too.. another really cool thing is this allows you to tune for cooler or hotter water conditions too..
interesting concept,bleeding the water off middle of the head pipe,how much would this really effect low to mid power and response? using less water in the top of the pipe by injecting cooler water didnt work well for me,seemed like it took a substantial amount of water in the top screw to really increase low and mid power,also kept alot of heat outa the motor with the pipe not staying in the power band up top,win win for what i do with my ski

Fro Diesel

creative control
another interesting bpipe issue found today,Got a like new but slightly used bpipe off a team scream856 motor,bored out maini and head pipe,setup by TS for that motor,bottom closed,middle and top screw 3/4 or so open,Im working with another test motor and setting up for low end,I closed the middle and opened top 3/4 and was getting crap results,pipe was too cool and slow response amoung other signs something isnt right,took the head pipe off and hooked up to a hose,found the bottom screw was letting alot of water in at a sharp angle,same amount with the screw all the way open or shut...some of these pipes have bad alignment on the holes and where the screws close..double checking it on the hose is worth it, epoxied the hole shut and it made a huge diff in low end responce, power

I have found that the only way to actually find out how open or close a hole is you have to tear the head pipe off and test. I found the with the bottom two closed they still allowed water in the Headpipe. The took some vice grips and ran them in a little more to seal them up. Then I crack the top screw once I ensure it does seal and then allow just a tiny amount of air to flow through it and call it set.

All this talk over the years about how many turns open is just bs. It is all relative to the pipe bc not every opening is the same.

Good read. Proper bpipe tuning is what really makes a ski fun!

sent from Fro Diesel using tapatalk2


Arlington TX
I've read this thread 3 times and i'm still a little confused, so i'll repeat what I think I hear you saying.

First, pull the head pipe off the motor and hook it up to a hose, close the bottom two screws and make sure they seal, then adjust the top screw until you get a fine mist (generally 3/4 of a turn but there is no set standard because of carbon and wear etc.)

Next use a flow control to increase the amount of pressure within the head pipe, possibly adding a reducer in conjunction with the flow control?

All of this creates more pressure through the top screw in the head pipe which you've found dramatically increases low end power.

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I've read this thread 3 times and i'm still a little confused, so i'll repeat what I think I hear you saying.

First, pull the head pipe off the motor and hook it up to a hose, close the bottom two screws and make sure they seal, then adjust the top screw until you get a fine mist (generally 3/4 of a turn but there is no set standard because of carbon and wear etc.)

Next use a flow control to increase the amount of pressure within the head pipe, possibly adding a reducer in conjunction with the flow control?

All of this creates more pressure through the top screw in the head pipe which you've found dramatically increases low end power.


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