How To: MSD Enhancer Install *Pics*

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
How To: Install A MSD Enhancer CDI Igition


This is my guide step by step to installing a MSD CDI enchancer. I'm not a trained mechanic, in fact I could be one of the stupidest people you've ever met, however my ski runs so we'll just play it off.

Start Up - Remove the Eletrical Box

You'll start by removing the 2 13mm nuts holding the ebox to the brackets. Then remove the 14 screws in the rear of the box. Make sure to put all spare screws/nuts/bolts into a spare baggy to keep easy track. Also unplugging the start and stop switch coming out of the ebox helps with moving it around.

Step 1 - Remove Old CDI/Clean Up


Go ahead and unhook every wire connection you see. Then remove the two screws holding in the stock CDI and remove it.

Note - While your box is a apart it wuold be a VERY GOOD chance to remove every piece from the box; clean and inspect all wires/parts inside. Keeping the side of your box corrison/salt free is a good thing. Clean all connections with contact cleaner and a wire brush/dremel setup

Step 2 - Installing Enhancer/Revlimiter

Pull out your enchancer put that into the original spot.

Note - Do not use the MSD provided bolts. They are barely in there by a thread or too. Go buy some matching ones that are longer from a local hareware store.

Heres a comparison pic

Note - I perfer to put the wires towards the outside so it doesnt get as much slack in the way when closing the box.

With your box mounted and ready. Go ahead and get your limiter setup. You'll want to loosen the top nut gently so the screw can turn easily. Set your RPM to the desired limit and gently tighten the nut down. DO NOT over tighten.....they break.....I know from exprience:frown:



Note - The unit comes set at 8,000rpm and the max being 9,000rpm. There prolly is some advantage I'm not aware of using lowers for some setup I know nothing of...but what the hell crank it up!

Step 3 - Hooking Up Your CDI

This part can be simple or complicated. You'll wanna start with the easiest color match ups first then progress with doing grounds last.

Before plugging in these connections, apply dieletric grease to help with current flow as well as stopping corrsion. Also be sure to get all connections seats well. The MSD connectors are tight and new. Even though they pop they have a little extra push into them.

This is the stuff I picked up at AutoZone for 99c

Colored Wires

CDI Orange - Coil Orange
CDI Black - Coil Black
CDI White (Female) - Start/Stop Switch (Male)
CDI White (MALE( - Female/Female Jumper Wire - Stator White/Red (Male) - See Pic Below Jumper may not be needed if using a older CDI
CDI Pink - OverSensor Pink (If you are using it)
CDI Brown - Stator Brown/White - See Pic/Details Below
CDI Red Split:
Male - Solonoid Red (Female)
Female - Fuse Red (Male) - Fuse - Red (Female) - Start/Stop Switch Red(Male) Note - This will be Ting into the RED Start/Stop Wire

Rectifier Green - Stator Green: Doesnt Matter Which
Rectifier Green - Stator Green: Doesnt Matter Which
Rectifier Red (Male) - Start/Stop Switch Red (Female)

Now the grounds...

CDI Black Eyelet/Male - Ground Post - OverHeat Senor (Female) Note - Tape up if not using sensor

Solonoid Black Eyelet - Ground Post
Retifier Black Eyelet - Ground Post
Start/Stop Switch Black Eyelet/Male - Stator Black/Female/Eyelet

Here are Three full sized pics you can use if I just confused ya even more.

Ebox 1
Ebox 2
Ebox 3

WHITE JUMPER WIRE - Provided by MSD. Pic shows proper connection. Just to clear up any confusion. This may not be needed if your using an older CDI.


BROWN MSD WIRE - It's brown however it looks black the first time ya see it or if you werent paying close attention. It's a dark brown so it doesnt match the Yamaha brown wire well. Pic shows the diff between MSD black and MSD brown. You may laugh but this can save headaches if your noobie to this


Go ahead and plug up the start/stop plugs and do a test crank with your new CDI. wann make sure everything is work before having to put it all together only to find out it doesnt work.

This is also good for setting your rev limiter if you arent maxxing it out.

Finishing Up - The Hard Part
Before closing up the box double check your main seal once again. If good, apply a light grease/silicone coating(i perfer thicker axle type grease) to both side of the gasket, and all of the grommets that fit into the plastic part of the box.

Now do a UFC head lock move and wrestle everything back together into one piece. The solonoid will fit ontot he two tabs in the box via the rubber gommet. Everything else should be pushed inside but keep it from binding.

Close it up and get a screw or two on both side and tight to keep it fomr pushing back up(if your rat nest is too big) and proceed to finish putting back in the screws....all 14 of em:rolleyes:

Then attach the ebox back to the brackets with the two 13mm nuts, plug up both start/stop connectors and your good to go.

MSD Offical Instructions w/ Diagram
OLD MSD Instructions

If I left out anything or made a mistake, PLEASE let me know so i can fix that ASAP
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