sunk and destroyed my SN an hour ago


tacoma, wa
Trying some flatwater stuff, throttle gets stuck wide open, lanyard rips right off my wrist and shes gone. Wide open for maybe 300 yards, flies right by a pontoon boat with an entire first grade class I swear, okay, maybe only five kids, but five too many. Sideswipes a dock and slams into a retaining wall. Pushed the nose about three inches back, ripped all four motor mounts to shreds. Sunk in about two feet of water. Was able to get it running again, got it home, ran it for about 10 minutes. Gonna let it cool down for a bit and then run it some more.

If anyone in the northwest has an extra SN hull beating around, I'll drive down to PDX, up to BC or just over the mountains for it and basically whatever you want for it, title or not.

I'll post pics here in a little bit...

EDIT: Pictures are up. It's pretty bad, I pulled the rubber up and over the lip to get a better view, so that's why it looks so upwards like that, but still pretty bad. The hood glanced off a dock. Like, hit the railing and then right into the retaining wall, forgot about that little part. Motor is sitting almost two inches from where it used to be. Damn thing almost fell out when we were dumping water.


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tacoma, wa
no, hooked it up to the hose for sure. Yeah, need a new hull, might as well ruin the motor too, lol.

But yeah, I think it got hung up in the chinpad. When I finally got to it, it ripped right off my wrist. My friend on his SN tried to catch up, but a ski with no weight and WOT is gonna be a bit faster than anything else.

And yeah, just glad no one got hit, no boats got hit, nothing, just a brick wall. And actually, might be lucky too. It hit so hard, it ripped both plug wires out, which is what killed the ski, otherwise might have blown the entire motor...

I'll get in touch with the guy on that hull tonight or tomorrow morning and maybe run down and offer him $200 or something...


Not After Fame & Fortune
lol if you had kenny keepers i bet your motor mounts would be A ok :bigok:

but was really expecting a lot more damage. if you ask me that hull held up pretty good for a wot brick wall smashing.

good luck


tacoma, wa
I mean, if I wanted to I could fix it. At least enough to ride it until I could find what I wanted. We'll see what happens, i'm working on a couple leads right now.
You guys use your lanyards? I used a zip tie on my RN to keep it out. I jsut set the idle low so it will die.

I had a friend who was tinkering with a 550 and he was riding it to test it and the throttle cable was frayed at the end. It got stuck wideopen and he wiped out. The ski took off as the handlebar grip ripped off in his hand. The entire lake has nothing on it no houses no nothing. There is one beach like 50 feet wide on teh whole lake and of course it comes full speed right at the beach. Theres a kid floating in those little tubes that have the bottoms to them so they dont drown. Like the one for infants. It teasr past it by honestly about 3 feet. Hits the shore and launches into some shrubs and trees about 10 feet from shore. Its going wide open in teh bushes while i run over to it cause i was on shore when it happened. Mothers and husbands are screaming at me as my friend comes to shore witht eh grip still in his hand like whoops. Bad scene.
Damn! That sucks! That is a fear of mine also because I run a JSS switch.

That kind of damage would absolutely be the end of my season.


Squarenose FTW
Site Supporter
i cut my ziptie that came on the SN i bought for this reason
added one to the 750sx which did not have one from the factory

a lawyer could represent to the jury that a zip-tied kill switch is gross negligence
and you would get scr3w3d in court
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Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
Mine doesn't take a laynard. I hope I never have this problem. Destroying the ski is bad enough, but that could kill someone.

I hope you're joking about that laynard zip tie. After having a personal expierance with what can happen and not taking the steps to avoid it when your ski already has the parts on it to prevent it... wtf is that.


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
There are times when I use my lanyard, and times when I don't. Times I do are when there's other traffic around for sure. It's never going to get zip tied - I just wrap it around the bars a few times to keep it out of the way when I'm doing tricks that you can't with a lanyard on. People point and laugh - apparently you're not a real jetskier until you've zip tied your lanyard. Well, then I'm not a real jet skier, but I never came anywhere close to endangering anyone else either....
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