Team Scream (X-Scream) 701 ROCKS.


The Good Old Days
This is the drive-line section so allow me to express my opinion on me new motor.

I picked up my Team Scream 62t/61x 701 (717 is what it came out to).
I have dual 46's with Chuckys intake setup, cases and cylinder ported, b-pipe with all the bells and whistles that Chucky offers and a Riva head.

The motor fired up and idled perfect right out of the box so yesterday I threw the ski into the water and went for a warm up ride.

Since my old motor was a piped 650 some of you here with monster motors might find this funny and childish but the first time I pulled on the throttle I scared the shait out of my self.
The power was amazing with instant pull at any rev range. Crisp throttle response that resulted with the ski jumping out of the water and a huge grin on my face.
The power to weight ratio just got screwed waaay out and now my ski feels like a whole different animal. With all the torque I no longer have to wait for the motor to pull me out of a slide. Now all I have to do is aim and pull the throttle and it's off. I can actually plow the nose into the water and power through the turn where before that was a waste of time.
Yesterday was the first time I hit my own setup wake because I had the power to turn the ski and get to the wake on time. Amazing.

3 of us took turns riding the ski allowing it to cool down between rides and all 3 of us suffered the same forearm extension and silly grins. We were wiped out and all we used up was a third of a tank of gas.

I was going to write something yesterday but all I could do when I got home is giggle and grin plus my arm was in pain and my fingers were shaking.

Like I said, some of you will laugh as you fire up your 1000cc monsters but I am over the moon.
Chucky built me a killer motor and I couldn't be happier.

From the beginning all I heard was good things about Team Scream power so I contacted Chucky and right of the bat was impressed with his knowledge and the willingness to work with me. He advised me on what and where to buy without trying to cram parts down my throat and we came up with just the right package in my price range.
"Under promise and over-deliver" was something that I heard Chucky say and boy did he.

Thank you Chuck and the whole X-Scream team for taking care of all my BRAAP needs. This motor is my first but as my power habit grows you will be hearing from me.

X-Scream :You_Rock_Emoticon:


I forgot!
glad to hear your happy with your new motor, team scream motors seem to come out of the box ready to go. and the throttle responce with his carbs and intake make the motor seem like it is digitally fuel smooth so predictable and the power is always right there with more to go.


Jersey Shore
I have to agree with the comments above. My 840cc rips like no other! Chuck does an amazing job! His carb setup rocks and is way way cheaper than other options. My motor's tune was right on out of the box also... :notworthy: to Chuck.


You are a lucky man... I'm really happy for you Boris. Can't wait to see you out rippin it up w/ the new motor...

Good stuff happening down there at the XScream factory...
Borris I hope you stopped smiling from the other night. It does not fit your grumppy usual self LOL. It was fun @ the lake. Now I need to get it together and finish mine after your ride I just cant wait. Great Job. See you this week end riding.:woot::woot::woot:


me too. I'm switching over to a full on TEAM SCREAM motor and pump setup. I am really looking forward to it... sorry for the hijack Boris, I'm as stoked as you!!!!!


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
Chuckie is a pimp when it comes to motors for sure. Everything I have ridden of his was impressive. For turn key power you cant go wrong with Chuckie, its obvious just talking to him that he has done his homework from every angle of a 62t motor.


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
me too. I'm switching over to a full on TEAM SCREAM motor and pump setup. I am really looking forward to it... sorry for the hijack Boris, I'm as stoked as you!!!!!

Hate to thread jack, but gotta know what the Team Scream pump setup is now that you threw it out there????????????????????????????


not sure yet... whatever they recomend for me...
they are the pros...

back on topic:
I can't wait to ride Boris's ski.... so ya comming up to test her out in the surf before Daytona???
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The Good Old Days
Good to hear.

ps. You used that 650 a little longer than you should have. When I bought my first SN with the 650, I could only take 2 weeks before I did up a 61x.

I tried killing it so I would have an excuse but old faithful refused to die. Plus it was good on fuel. :wave:

I can't wait to ride Boris's ski.... so ya comming up to test her out in the surf before Daytona???

Everyone is more than welcome to ride my ski, how could I refuse ?
I need to ride it in the flat waters and get used to the new ride but I will be in the surf a few more times before the freeride. I need the practice for the Cherry Buster.:bananajump:

WOOOHOOOOOO!!! Keep the biz in good ol FLORIDA!!!

I second that.
Makes it that much easier when the best is in Florida.

I got to ride my ski again today after work and even though it was a short ride and it was freezing I couldn't stop giggling.
Starting to feel like a fruit with all the giggling I have been doing lately but it's not ghey if you call "no homo".

Why did I wait this long to loose the 650 ??
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