Flat Water Barrel Roll


High on Helium
I know there must be A LOT of advice out there for a flat water barrel roll. Please give me and the the rest of us some pointers. I just got a real nice 07 slightly used WammerJet and was out there tryin some flat water barrel rolls today but its just hard when your teaching yourself. I know about the wave making and the s-turn and first learning the Bronco 180. But what do I do from there? Do you use the trim at all, or does that just mess you up. I wouldn't think to use it but maybe there's some secrets out there.


Grand Rapids, MI
The 4 biggest pointers I can give are:

1. Adjust your throttle so that it's at about 45º DOWN from horizontal. Make it comfortable ONLY when the pole is down. It should be pointing straight down at the tray when the pole is up by your chin. This will force you to do #3.
2. Make sure you're turning the bars all the way to the lock. Listen and feel for the 'clunk' as the turn plate hits the stop.
3. Keep the pole down. As soon as you leave your set up wave, you need to get the pole down onto the hood and leave it there for the rest of the roll.
4. Pull the tray up. When you start spinning, you need to squat down, and pull the tray up to your butt. Then, you need to keep it there through the end of the roll.


Belding MI
The 4 biggest pointers I can give are:

1. Adjust your throttle so that it's at about 45º DOWN from horizontal. Make it comfortable ONLY when the pole is down. It should be pointing straight down at the tray when the pole is up by your chin. This will force you to do #3.
2. Make sure you're turning the bars all the way to the lock. Listen and feel for the 'clunk' as the turn plate hits the stop.
3. Keep the pole down. As soon as you leave your set up wave, you need to get the pole down onto the hood and leave it there for the rest of the roll.
4. Pull the tray up. When you start spinning, you need to squat down, and pull the tray up to your butt. Then, you need to keep it there through the end of the roll.

This is definitely easier said than done. I've had the pleasure of the geek barrel role clinic a couple of times and have seen these tips executed and I still can't get that last little bit of rotation to land flat. Yesterday I lost my setup wake timing and got frustrated fast my wife took some video and I can see what I'm doing wrong witch I think will help a lot.

Mark Gomez

is where the surf is
Fullerton, CA
I learned through the tips on the X here and mostly by myself out on the Lake for a week while I rode my STOCK 04 for the first time.
My suggestions:

1. Work your setup wake out so you hit it from the side not head on. Usually in that case you will plow into the wave and get minimal height.

2. Practice Practice Practice your approach and timing coming into the set up wakes. It does no good to set up a wake and not use the wake to its full potential in your trick.

3. as you get to the wake pre hop and kick rear of the ski somewhat to the left almost into the set up wake.
a. This gets your pump dug into the water
b. Gets you full brapage as the ski was temp. out of the water allowing the motor to max RPMS.
C. continue having the ski pinned as you launch off the set up wake throwing your body over your head over the left side of your ski.

4. Commitment- Everyone is terrified of it.
but really you have to get the mind set of WANTING to eat Sh*t when you throw your head over your bond line.

5. As you throw your head over, this whole time your handle pole should be on the hood, Bars cranked, still pinned, knees bend and body as low as you can get it sucking that tray as close to your ass as it can get.

The most important is throwing your head over and really committing.
You can almost have your head between your chin pad and bond line in front of the bars. Its not so much shoulder work as you think. When you use shoulders to brute throw the ski over you will look like your doing really awkward nose stabs.

You can watch this Video of me on my 4th day of riding my Stock 04 superjet from Wamilton. I had the advice in my head from the X, but its all about applying what you learn and really forcing yourself to find whats going wrong in mistakes.

Flat Water Rolls

Hope this helps.

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a lil speed always helped me get around on flatwater.gotta keep your momentum up unless you have a ton of power to hit it off idle


High on Helium
practice for hours... get bruised arm, feet, and stiff neck.... sleep it off... repeat until you get it... you'll start getting them eventually....

Wow, you said it perfect. I have a bruised leg and cuts on my hand. And an extremely stiff and sore neck. I did the one wrong thing and bailed on my last attempt yesterday. :nono: I nailed my head so extremely hard on my ski. THANK GOD I've got a strong hull and was WEARING A HELMET. I think it seriously saved my life. I probably would have been knocked out in the water for sure. :splatt:
practice for hours... get bruised arm, feet, and stiff neck.... sleep it off... repeat until you get it... you'll start getting them eventually....

dont forget about fractured sinus's and blown out ear drums

my technique i tried to work my stab into the roll with the whip technique which i like due to the fact i see and control what is goin on
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Way cooler than Mark44
Union, Missouri
I learned through the tips on the X here and mostly by myself out on the Lake for a week while I rode my STOCK 04 for the first time.
My suggestions:

1. Work your setup wake out so you hit it from the side not head on. Usually in that case you will plow into the wave and get minimal height.

2. Practice Practice Practice your approach and timing coming into the set up wakes. It does no go to set up a wake and not use the wake to its full potential in your trick.

3. as you get to the wake pre hop and kick rear of the ski somewhat to the left almost into the set up wake.
a. This gets your pump dug into the water
b. Gets you full brapage as the ski was temp. out of the water allowing the motor to max RPMS.
C. continue having the ski pinned as you launch off the set up wake throwing your body over your head over the left side of your ski.

4. Commitment- Everyone is terrified of it.
but really you have to get the mind set of WANTING to eat Sh*t when you throw your head over your bond line.

5. As you throw your head over, this whole time your handle pole should be on the hood, Bars cranked, still pinned, knees bend and body as low as you can get it sucking that tray as close to your ass as it can get.

The most important is throwing your head over and really committing.
You can almost have your head between your chin pad and bond line in front of the bars. Its not so much shoulder work as you think. When you use shoulders to brute throw the ski over you will look like your doing really awkward nose stabs.

You can watch this Video of me on my 4th day of riding my Stock 04 superjet from Wamilton. I had the advice in my head from the X, but its all about applying what you learn and really forcing yourself to find whats going wrong in mistakes.

Flat Water Rolls

Hope this helps.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/LiAm6TdHUVA&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/LiAm6TdHUVA&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Okay this gives me something to try. My problem is that I feel that I have to jump in order to get height-hence the difficulty with me being able to tuck and I keep donig broncos aka halfway barrel rolls. In your video you don't really jump you just keep small. Do you just have a lot of speed? I have a stock motor but I believe that is what you have.


Too much prehop can hurt you also.Big part of flatwater rolls are hitting the setup wake perfect.anytime i go out on a new boat or someone elses ill just prejump and hit my setup wake time and time again till i feel i can do it with my eyes closed and not miss it.on you pre jump you wanna land on the intake grate to get the pump hooked up and the nose to land slightly up and right infront of your setup wake to get the takeoff.when i prejump as soon as i land im that close to the setup wake that i turn the bars right away and wide open
I learned through the tips on the X here and mostly by myself out on the Lake for a week while I rode my STOCK 04 for the first time.
My suggestions:

1. Work your setup wake out so you hit it from the side not head on. Usually in that case you will plow into the wave and get minimal height.

2. Practice Practice Practice your approach and timing coming into the set up wakes. It does no go to set up a wake and not use the wake to its full potential in your trick.

3. as you get to the wake pre hop and kick rear of the ski somewhat to the left almost into the set up wake.
a. This gets your pump dug into the water
b. Gets you full brapage as the ski was temp. out of the water allowing the motor to max RPMS.
C. continue having the ski pinned as you launch off the set up wake throwing your body over your head over the left side of your ski.

4. Commitment- Everyone is terrified of it.
but really you have to get the mind set of WANTING to eat Sh*t when you throw your head over your bond line.

5. As you throw your head over, this whole time your handle pole should be on the hood, Bars cranked, still pinned, knees bend and body as low as you can get it sucking that tray as close to your ass as it can get.

The most important is throwing your head over and really committing.
You can almost have your head between your chin pad and bond line in front of the bars. Its not so much shoulder work as you think. When you use shoulders to brute throw the ski over you will look like your doing really awkward nose stabs.

You can watch this Video of me on my 4th day of riding my Stock 04 superjet from Wamilton. I had the advice in my head from the X, but its all about applying what you learn and really forcing yourself to find whats going wrong in mistakes.

Flat Water Rolls

Hope this helps.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/LiAm6TdHUVA&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/LiAm6TdHUVA&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Very nice work in that video.

Mark Gomez

is where the surf is
Fullerton, CA
Okay this gives me something to try. My problem is that I feel that I have to jump in order to get height-hence the difficulty with me being able to tuck and I keep donig broncos aka halfway barrel rolls. In your video you don't really jump you just keep small. Do you just have a lot of speed? I have a stock motor but I believe that is what you have.

Dont worry so much about the hopping, if I "hop" its because it pushes my body down along with the ski into the water and when I come down on that "hop" I stay down, Way down as you see and I really mean throw your head over the side of your ski by the bond line. Forcing this method I am able to do rolls on my 550 off of 2 ft waves! my 550! So you have to get over the mental mind block about being nervous of doing it wrong or eating it. You have to throw your head over so hard and tuck as low as you can. I wish i could be there to help out. As far as speed I have a decent amount but I'm not hauling ass. Just enough to keep the pump semi deep in the water. What is most important in this technique also is how you use your set up wake. you have to hit it at it''s base so you can use your speed and pinned engine to launch all the way up its whopping 1ft face. That will get you your height

I'll be in Daytona FYI to anyone who would like help.


This Is The Way
Staff member
I've got my setup wake down, Ive got the timing down but I can't get over the mental block. Ive got it all the way up to the launch, then I get scared, open up and stab. The season is ending soon, I need to sack up and throw it, these tips and videos help a bunch.


High on Helium
Thanks A LOT for all the amazing information, everyone! I think I can really do it now. And I'm actually going to an Eric Malone clinic this Saturday, and the goal is to learn a barrel roll there. I'm hoping that with the best guy in the World teaching me, I should be able to do it! If I successfully make it, I'll post a video sometime. Thanks for everything. I love X-H2O!!! :burnout:


High on Helium
So I just got back from the Eric Malone Clinic. It was awesome. Eric, Typhoon Tommy, and Chad Cummings were great. One thing that I learned from Malone is to turn your head and look over your right shoulder when your taking off of the wave.
So, crank the bars to the left, gun the throttle, (that gets the back end swinging up like a pendulum), stay crouched, keep your weight as far over your handlepole as possible, turn your head and look over your right shoulder, and just go for it. I can do all of that except the last step, of just going for it.

Hopefully this helps a little more. I know it did for me. Also, as freestylegeek says, turn your throttle lever down. I couldn't get used to it but over time I think I will like it. Both Eric Malone and Chad Cummings have their throttles like that, and they do great barrel rolls. Chad just won the National Championships in Amateur freestyle in his first ever year competing. Congrats man.
So I just got back from the Eric Malone Clinic. It was awesome. Eric, Typhoon Tommy, and Chad Cummings were great. One thing that I learned from Malone is to turn your head and look over your right shoulder when your taking off of the wave.
So, crank the bars to the left, gun the throttle, (that gets the back end swinging up like a pendulum), stay crouched, keep your weight as far over your handlepole as possible, turn your head and look over your right shoulder, and just go for it. I can do all of that except the last step, of just going for it.

Hopefully this helps a little more. I know it did for me. Also, as freestylegeek says, turn your throttle lever down. I couldn't get used to it but over time I think I will like it. Both Eric Malone and Chad Cummings have their throttles like that, and they do great barrel rolls. Chad just won the National Championships in Amateur freestyle in his first ever year competing. Congrats man.

Is this for rolling to the left?


High on Helium
Is this for rolling to the left?

Yes, it is. Most people roll to the left. But if you feel more comfortable rolling to the right just do the opposite of what I said, and pretty much the opposite of everything that has been said so far on this topic.

If your rolling right, you would even want to make your set up wave by turning to the right.
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