How To: CATS Trim

There's a bunch of threads with pictures and desciptions of the CATS trim but none have a step-by-step with pictures and explanations. So that's what I am going to do. Feel free to correct me or give your 2 cents.

As far as parts go, I purchased:

Raider reduction nozzle
Raider trim ring
Raider steering nozzle
Pro-tec trim cable
Drill bit extension
2' piece of 3/4" PVC
PVC female adapter fitting
Cord gripper
Tube of 3M 5200
BMX brake lever

I'm gonna get started and I'll post and add pictures as I go


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Had to buy another extension for the drill because it wasn't long enough with just one.

First I drilled through the bulkhead from the pump. I made my hole at the top left of the pump. I then ran the PVC through. It will have about 1.5 inches hanging out in the engine bay and 6" or 7" hanging out in the pump cavity to house/protect the cable. I sealed the PVC on either side with 3M 5200 Marine Sealant.

Next I primed and attached the female adapter fitting to the through hull pipe using PVC cement.

The cord gripper will thread onto the adapter on the engine bay side.

Next I will have to figure out a way to attach the cable to the boss on the trim ring.

Pics will be up soon.
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Katie's Boss
100% one place

This is how I have the cable hooked at the pump and wire rope at the trim ring. The trim ring has two grooves machined in it for the cable and the plate bolts down tight on top of the wire rope holding it in place. All bolts in the pics are not tightened up.



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Mark, I think I'm gonna try your set-up for the bolt that holds the cable. Did you just drill a small hole all the way through a shoulder bolt for the cable to go through, then drill a hole as deep as the head to house the end of the cable?


So long and thanks for all the fish
I did this:



Katie's Boss
100% one place

Mark, I think I'm gonna try your set-up for the bolt that holds the cable. Did you just drill a small hole all the way through a shoulder bolt for the cable to go through, then drill a hole as deep as the head to house the end of the cable?

Not sure what you mean?

No what holds the wire rope is two grooves cut in the arm of the trim ring then the plate holds them in the groove when tightened down. See pic #2 zoom in.
Here's what I did at the end of the cable housing. It utalizes the top left pump bolt to hold a piece of brass in place.

Third pic is how the cable will attach to the trim rim. The boss will be where the space is and the cable will be in between teh washers. (Note: I will use stainless for the actual set-up these are just misc. nuts and bolts I had laying around.)


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I definately have excess cable. I just tucked it into the hull.

Through hull pipe

thats what i figured. i had a ton left too. even with the whole pro-tec system. i know this isnt a CATS question but a pro-tec question.

I have no idea how to adjust my cable so i can get full pull. when i pull the lever in all the way i can still push the trim nozzle up about 1 inch more by hand. I have no idea how to fix this or adjust this, the adjuster on the lever is all the way out so i cant take in any more slack.


Katie's Boss
100% one place

The thing in pic three that is attaches to the pump bolt

O ok I see what you are talking about. I had the cable liner made with a threaded end, that is just a stainless bracket that bolts onto the pump and the cable end goes through it with a nut holding the cable in place.

Terry cable can make up the cable anyway you want it.

Here's my stainless cable attachment for the trim ring.

You need to flip the steering cable atachment over or else it will hit a cooling boss on the pump.


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Hopefully. We'll see. I just have to get the cable attached to the trim ring right so the nozzle sits level when I'm off the trim lever. Shouldn'd be too hard. Everything's sealed up and ready to go other than that. Just have to cut a little bit of the rear bondline away so I can take full advantage of the throw.

I'm gonna take the nozzle over to PWCFactory to have it bored to match my old nozzle soon.
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Update: Trim's 95% done for now. Have some rough edges to clean up and need to adjust the cable for a couple degrees more throw.

Have some ideas for later to get some more throw so I'll keep adding as I keep building.


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