Any one up for riding some 30'+ waves?

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Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
On my way to Cabo last month we flew over Todos Santos Island in Northern Baja where I took this shot from I’m guessing 30,000 ft? You can clearly see some set lines and a lot of water moving around Killers. Any one up for riding some 30’+ waves?


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A quick image search....sickness! I would rip em'!


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the WaTeRhAwK

fryin' up a/m electrics..
A quick image search....sickness! I would rip em'!

sure. just be sure to equip your ski with a parachute to slow your descent after completion of your quadruple or quintuple backy, so it doesn't disintegrate apon impact...LOL
Must sound like thunder when the wave crashes



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Here's Randy on a macker at Killers- this one looks a little bigger than 30'

Holy :):):):)ing chit !!!!
The hair on the back of my neck just stood up....:scared:

Just coming down that mountain and then running away from the monster washing machine that follows would be an adrenaline rush unlike anything else......

Some people jumped out of airplanes....

Others Bungee Jump....

Not me....

But before I die....I will do that one day.... to go work on my surf riding some more....

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In January 2001, as a part of the first documented expedition to the [ame=""]Cortes Bank[/ame] <sup id="cite_ref-4" class="reference">[5]</sup>, Laine set a World Record for the biggest wave ever ridden on a [ame=""]Jet Ski[/ame] (actually a [ame=""]Yamaha[/ame] Super Jet), where he conquered a 72 foot wave.

AWESOME Article here.....Full interview with some AMAZING SHOTS...



im down for sure

uhhhhhh...i really hope you guys are joking..i can guarantee you there is not one person on this message board including myself that could take a 40+ foot wave to the head and survive...just because you can pull a throttle on a jetski dosnt mean you are an experienced waterman...waves that size move SO much faster than anything you guys have ever seen...if you fall, your dead pretty much...guys that surf places like that have been training their whole lives to be able to survive those beatings..its not something you just go out and do when you havent even seen a wave bigger than 10ft..not to mention by the time u got out to cortez you would all be so sea sick you couldnt even ride guys are skipping allot of steps, the fact that you guys even think you could survive out there is mindblowing :261:

que people telling me i dont know what im talking about in 3...2...1...
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