97 Superjet Project- its bad, don't laugh


havin fun
clearwater FL
bought the ski from a friend, missed picking it whole by a few weeks. Need a stock hood if anyone has one. wish I had the moneyto duplicate shonuff's build. But I will do my best to polish it up just a nice. O.K. I'm ready....tear it up.LOL


havin fun
clearwater FL
sorry, I suck with posting pics. it is asking to open the program with some crapapy photoediting program I have. anyone have some advice?


havin fun
clearwater FL
yes, its cheesy but its the only way I could make it work. I have 7 other skis and two are standups. I have rebuilt and replaced motors. I have worked on cars for 15 years as a mechanic, so I have a little skill. I only say this to avoid the same responses of you need to junk that and......... whatever. Nothing here scares me, not even a little.just need a hood and some hardware. the other stuff will come along as I go.



Not After Fame & Fortune
id part it out and keep the hull and find another ski...

probably be better off.

you will spend a long time trying to put that all back together and get nickle and dimed to death when you need something.


havin fun
clearwater FL
this is 98% here. just need a hood and the hardware. some is in the hull still. oh and a battery but I have a few of those. and motor mounts and fuel line. but thats all, nothing else. except some turf, oh and some plugs and a fuel filter, but thats it, thats all I need. nothing else. except some grips, yeah thats the ticket!


Not After Fame & Fortune
good luck.

i have bought a few projects where people took it apart and i tried to put it back together.

not knowing where stuff goes and what bolt is used where got the best of me. i ended up selling that ski.

theres more than what meets the eyes.


havin fun
clearwater FL
crap sorry again. aka kane gave me the head sup onhow to do it, heading out to workget it done later.

I have no problem with the hardware its just the gutwrenching feeling that if I had robbed a 7-11 a few weeks earlier I would only be missing the hood and it would still be in one piece.


So long and thanks for all the fish
sorry, I suck with posting pics. it is asking to open the program with some crapapy photoediting program I have. anyone have some advice?


Reply to a post (not quick reply or quick edit), click the Manage Attachments button, in the new window, browse to your files then click Upload, it will do the rest, it even resizes them automatically.


I've got the glow
Site Supporter
theres more than what meets the eyes.



havin fun
clearwater FL
saki, are you pulling my leg? cause I would be eternally grateful. more than that. I would owe you- big time. I can send some cash with some guys I know are going to sebbey.


havin fun
clearwater FL
shonuff, I was told a lot of "things" by my friend that I got the ski from. it is supposed to have a little shaved off the head, an MSD ignition(maybe), and of course all the stuff you see. can anyone confirm if that is a B pipe? it looks much worse than it is. the motor spins. In fact, if I didn't plan on trying to clean it up, I feel confident that if I had all the hardware I would be riding it tomorrow. provided I had a hood. nothing a good scrubbing and some paint cant fix. Plus I have shonuff's build to use as a guide. I love the way you p[ainted the inside of the hull. first thing I do.
It actually look slike most of the bits are there.

You just might be missing some bolts and such.

Make sure you pull the elec box open + make sure everythting is cool. Replace that gasket while you are in there.

That thing might run out of the box.



havin fun
clearwater FL
also thanks Ollie for moving the pics. I would prefer not to divulge the dollar amount as I had to have this ski after riding yamahahaha's a few weeks ago and seeing the HUGE difference between my stock 650 and his. I am ruined now, I need more power. so dump a ton of money on putting another motor and pipe and impeller on my 92 sj or sell it and my other 6 skis and go to town on one good freestyle ski?
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