Reinforcing the nose... + pics

Mike Serlin

The least I can since I can't ride, is work on my ski. The last month before I got injured was some of the best surf our coast line has seen in years. Unfortunetly it also took a huge toll on all of our skis. So instead of just repairing all the cracks I decided to also do a major reinfocing overhall. Big thanks to LBE for all of his ideas and advice as far as how to go about it.

Attached are the pictures of the bottom side of the nose. I've been really lucky and its the one part of the ski that hasn't cracked all the way through yet. So I started by filling in the underside of the bond rail with 2 part foam. Then sawed the excess so the foam is flush with the bottom of the rail. Then I caked a bunch of really thick resin on the foam to fill the gaps and air pockets. I then used 2 layers of biaxel and 2 layers of cloth and glassed over the the bond rail and the foam I poured. It came out really good once I smoothed it out... and I'm currently finishing up on the bow eye, which is now about 3 inches thick and glassed smooth from the inside.

I'll be posting more pics of all the reinforcing soon. Any thoughts or ideas are greatly appreciated. I could care less about weight, I'm just going for strength.


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Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
Pete Jacob's has a good setup on his ski. He put in a bulkhead set back a little from the nose. When he lawn-darted his in Daytona he still had a waterproof front end since the bulkhead was still watertight even though the nose was hanging off. Seemed like good insurance to me.
Phill...depends on how you choose to ride :wink:

For Mike...yea. For lots of other people no. I know lots of guys that ride w/out reinforcement at all. But if you are gonna will break stuff.

Looks good Mike!

Mike Serlin

All this reinforcing is definitely necessary, but like ross said, not for everyone. I am actually in the process of RE-Re-enforcing my ski, cuz i practically destroyed it with that last big swell. I had a couple of really big 20'+ bails where the ski landed totally sideways and did some serious damage. The bottom of the hull was also needed repair and reinforcing from flat landing backeys and rolls.

So i spent all day glassing the walls of the top deck. 2 layers of bi-axel, and I filled the crevice underneith where the hood lays. I had to hang the ski upside down to do this so the resin could fill in the crevice. I also reinforced the handlepole bracket area for the second time, and layed glass in the tray and on the dash especially because the limiting rope hook and my new hood ratchet strap is going to bolt to the dash. i know its not too pretty, but i could care less what the inside of my hull looks like.

here's the pics...


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Mike Serlin

I've seen a couple that were completely filled in with glass and were solid. I used the 2 part foam to fill it in and then layed 2 layers of bi-axel and 2 layers of cloth. It feels totally solid and I'm sure the front of my hull will cave in before the rail does.


I break stuff
Looking good my friend. Make sure you get some glass under the nose of the topdeck. Mine was no more than 1/8" thick up in the very front. It has to be the worst part to get at, but go ahead and do it.

I too have poured foam in the nose instead of the roundnose styrofoam. I did not make a bulkhead on this ski, but the new one will have it. It really beefs things up and still gives you some bouyency for sinkin.

Takeastand SJ

R.I.P. 8/9/2008
My nose if filled in with glass, I just hope I don't nose stab the sand again. Last time my nose gave in, so I'm curious what will give instead of the nose next time?

Mike Serlin

Where the pole bracket mounts has been reinforced big time. I've already broken that twice. Actually LBE broke it. An I drilled the hole for the bow eye but glassed the inside walls of the hole, its almost 3 inches thick.


I love that nose!!!!

I did the foam filled nose area before... it works really good... That baby should last a few good hits to the bottom
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