Other Negative Feedback, and you


So long and thanks for all the fish
The negative feedback forum is for FACTUAL (at least from your side) dealings with companies/people.

State what happened, when, etc.

Do not get personal.

The forum is for people to state their case and if the other party involved chooses, they can reply with their side as well. Most other replies from people not involved WILL NOT BE APPROVED.

Lately we've had a lot of people replying to a certain neg. feedback thread saying thing like 'company X is awesome'. Those replies contribute nothing to the issue and will not be approved.


So long and thanks for all the fish
The forum is for people to state their case and if the other party involved chooses, they can reply with their side as well. Most other replies from people not involved WILL NOT BE APPROVED.

Just a reminder, comments like ":thumbsdown:" and "boo" don't contribute to a negative feedback thread and will not be approved.


So long and thanks for all the fish
Please re-read the first post, that explains how we handle the negative feedback forum.


So long and thanks for all the fish
Bump. We've had a ton of people responding to negative feedback threads lately with comments like 'that sucks' and 'boo' and 'shady' and all kinds of other stuff. If you're not directly involved, your post won't be approved. Posts like 'he's a good guy and will make it right' won't be approved either because you are not the person involved.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Feedback. Please use the Negative Feedback and Positive Feedback forums. If you have an issues with someone post up just the facts. You may post correspondence from PM's, Text Messages and Emails. But do not post Email Addy's or Phone Numbers. (Those post will be removed). Negative Feedback threads are moderated. We have to approve each post. Typically only the buyer and seller's post will be approved. Unless your comment (3rd Party) really adds good info it will not be approved. We do not get involved in disputes between both parties. It is up to you to research the other person.
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