Here's where my cable attachment is threaded into the trim ring. You can see where I used to have it.
There is a hole drilled in the stud and the nuts/washers hold it.
Due to the Raider nozzle having trim, they had the cable attached in the center on top instead of lower like on a SJ nozzle, so you have to lower the pivot point some to clear the cooling fitting boss on the pump.
This how close the steering cable is to the cooling boss.
I have the cable ferrule bolted into the pump, and a short bolt in the front sections so I am not losing any strength anywhere.
20 degrees, I did notch the rear of the bondline as the stream would be blocked just barely if I didn't.
Free left side brake lever from a local bike shop. I cut off the thumb shifter obviously.
20 degrees. To get more, I'd have to get new bosses welded on to mount the pivot bolts further back so the ring is on a smaller diameter section of the nozzle.