96 SJ On fire!!!!!!!

heres the whole story my superjet battery died on the lake a week or two ago so i put my blaster battery in the SJ and and rode the SJ two more times no prblems, well i was going to take the blaster out today and i put the old SJ battery, that i had since charged and used to start the blaster a couple times, in the SJ. SJ started up fine idled for a second then i killed it went to tie some things up on the blaster and when i looked back HUGE electrical smoke coming out of SJ :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: put fire out with nearby extinguisher and now the electrical box is hot as hell....anyone know what i should look at first????:pat: :pat: and i just had my wisdom teeth pulled yesterday what a week this is going to be:crutches:


I'm goin' for two
San Diego, CA
You need to disconnect the battery and pull that electrical box. I'd bet money that you have a short in the box somewhere that caused your first battery to die, and then the fire.


havin fun
clearwater FL
If you don't find a shorted wire there then follow them from the box to the start button and see if its exposed or chafed somewhere. are the wires on the starter? ground come off and rest on the positive there?
ok, while pulling the box out discovered a butt splice diconnected on the wire exiting the top right rubber through fittting in the E-box(jetski right that is) it was melted onto the wire bundle below it and now wire is exposed on that harnness. where do these wires go? why would there be a splice in one of them out side the E-Box? also i tried reconnecting the wire and it still wouldnt start :(


Lexington, KY
The only splices outside the ebox should be the black/white and brown/red that go the start/stop switch. Those have a dual plug on them, and shorting them out won't cause a fire. The other wires go to the stator or overheat sensor on the head. What color is the fried wire?
:banghead: AHHHHHHH the thick wire that fried is the one that goes to the stator and its fried in a spiral all the way from the E-Box to the stator....oh god.....:bs2: :bs2: :bs2:


Lexington, KY
That sucks. Not sure if you could salvage that or not. A used stator usually goes for 80 to 100 bucks on ebay. It's not hard to change. Just takes a little time. Remove tank, flywheel cover, flywheel, and replace stator. Then reconnect to the e-box. Hope it didn't fry your CDI. Jet ski solutions can rebuild the stator for you.
wow..the inside of the E-Box is unreckognizable.........almost all the wires melted and everthings black.......... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR ok the peices that looked really charred are from the relay to the rectifier??? like nine wires aroud there are toast is it going to be easier for me to try and salvage this or get a new e-box?
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Lexington, KY
If the wires all the way down to the stator are melted you're gonna need a new stator or rebuild that one. I'd try to replace anything in the ebox that had the wires melted on it. Most of that stuff in there is pretty tough. I've had my ebox full of water and not fried anything in there, but an MSD enhancer once.
well the igniton coil is shot........i believe since disconnected there is continuity between brown and black wire but not between plug wires(correct me if im wrong) also the rectifier regulator is shot....now i just need to check the msd enhancer...are the wire colors the same a stock so i can follow the manual? thanks for the help everyone


Lexington, KY
If you're using an ohm meter to check the MSD I'm not sure if the readings would be the same. The wires on the MSD and stock CDI are pretty much the same. Brown on the MSD is the same as brown/white on stock. The 2 white wires on the MSD are the same as the red/white and white wires on the stock cdi. Orange and pink are the same. The stock cdi just doesn't have the red wire that the MSD does.
its shot. nothing ohms in the msd enhancer :(

so total lost so far is
1 msd enhancer
1 rectifier
1 stator
1 cdi
1 e-box case and seal

i got a feeling the $20 i have wont cover those items


If the black wire that goes to the stator is fried then it might have spared the stator coils. This black wire is the ground source for the whole E box. Maybe you can just replace this wire from the stator. What range are you using to test the components in the E box? You mentioned earlier that the coil was fried, how did you determine that? If you measured infinity or open across the orange and black coming from the coil then it is bad. If you measure nearly shorted then it is propably good, spec is .078 - .106 ohms. Most meters will not give you an accurate reading at this low a resistance. You might have some salvageable parts after all. Replace what is not melted and test from there. You can test the stator coils individually with an ohm meter. Do this before you replace it.

The other Alex

Lake St. Clair--
its shot. nothing ohms in the msd enhancer :(

so total lost so far is
1 msd enhancer
1 rectifier
1 stator
1 cdi
1 e-box case and seal

i got a feeling the $20 i have wont cover those items

At this pointe I think I would just start looking for a whole electrical box from someone parting a ski out :bigeyes: Bummer dude.


Maybe just stating the obvious, but something wasn't fused properly.
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