Jet ski goggles

I'm not sure if I'm putting this in right part of the fourms..

But I wear contacts and was wondering if any one else did and if they wear goggles? If so what type and brand?

Thanks mike
I or anyone else I know have never had a problem with contacts in surf or flat or anything.

But PM firemedicmonkey if you feel the need to try some...I think he found some good ones for going 75MPH on his supercharged couch...which he should not be needing anymore:bananajump:


southwestern PA
i don't wear any in flat water, but i did have some trouble up at lake erie this year, had to keep stopping to wipe my i just went and bought a pair of swim goggles...thought i was going to need them in daytona and didn't even take them outta the box!! so have yet to try them...but in flatwater a pair of bomber sunglasses work wonders...the foam around the outside edges really help!!
I used to have some prescription sunglass things but they would fog up like crazy and fall off if they weren't really tight. I tried wearing scott MX goggles with my helmet in the surf but they fogged up even worse. I haven't had a single problem wearing contacts. Had one get a little off centered for the first time the other weekend but it quickly straightened itself out. I'd try just wearing contacts first. Much more comfortable.

Lasick in a couple weeks though! Hopefully my contact days are over.
I just bought a some of these. They seem like they will be better than SeaSpecs at keeping the water out. My eyes a very sensitive to the extreme ammonia that comes out of the flats during tide changes. The ammonia is BAD where I am. Winter water is so nice.

I offered 13 bucks shipped for them. They are 18+S/h from their web site. I wish they had brown lenses, but only have yellow and smoked. I went with the smoked. 13 bucks is hard to beat!!!!!!!!:woot:
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- SuperJet Thursday -
This might do the trick.



Ride It Like Ya Stole IT!
Toronto, Canada
SeaSpecs all the way, worn them 5 years now. I had to wear a toric lens too for a year too. I like the brown lens SeaSpecs the best.

Second this - i have a pair of dark grey and brown ones - I love the brown - I've had them for 6-7 yrs. I bought a pair for a buddy who had laser surgery - he kite boards hardcore and loves them, so much so that all his buddies now have them aswell. Solid product. I highly recommended for all watersports you won't be disappointed.
I or anyone else I know have never had a problem with contacts in surf or flat or anything.

But PM firemedicmonkey if you feel the need to try some...I think he found some good ones for going 75MPH on his supercharged couch...which he should not be needing anymore:bananajump:

Ouch... thanks for throwing me under the bus... but how true it is!

I picked up a set of Jettribe Goggles in Daytona and they work the best of any of the goggles or glasses that I have tried to date... But I have not invested more than $20 in a pair yet either...

Check them out Here:
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