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  1. JetManiac

    Thrustone 155 Setback pump, anyone tried one?

    PUSH pump in stock at JetManiac.
  2. JetManiac

    Thrustone 155 Setback pump, anyone tried one?

    We have sold a few and buyers were happy. In stock here.
  3. JetManiac

    Ski PUMP PARTS-Driveshafts,MAG/OEM pump,Props,Wear Rings, Pump Shoe, Intake Grate, parts

    Solas pump build for Blaster @Mountain Mike
  4. JetManiac

    Want to Buy 155 lS10 trim system

    New one in stock, but guessing you are looking for used.
  5. JetManiac

    ADA fuel pickup on a Super Chicken?

    Has anyone had experience installing an ADA billet fuel pickup on a Kawi SC fuel tank? Trying to help a customer having fitment issues. Will it fit? He said the mounting holes dont line up? Thanks.
  6. JetManiac

    Early full spec carb issues, butterfly/shaft need advice

    Good call, if the butterfly is usable, then get a std 46mm shaft kit. Will need to widen the slot to fit the butterfly and then go to go.
  7. JetManiac

    Xscream 144 trim

    Check your inbox for a message.
  8. JetManiac

    760 OEM flywheel charging issues

    Agreed, but we have seen quite a few stock 760 flywheels have ring gear come loose, even on stock b2 and couches.
  9. JetManiac

    MIDSHAFT SHOP - Intermediate Shafts for SuperJet, Blasters -new,used,rebuilt

    SN midshaft rebuild @bored&stroked
  10. JetManiac

    WTB Superjet msd enhancer

    In stock at JetManiac
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