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  1. Proformance1

    X Decals!

    I could use one :)
  2. Proformance1

    Hitch haulers and small cars

  3. Proformance1

    Custom/Hybrid Drive shaft for krash 148mm setback pump in waveblaster 1

    just measure up what you need and im Jetmaniac he should be able to help
  4. Proformance1

    Custom/Hybrid Drive shaft for krash 148mm setback pump in waveblaster 1

    not sure if it will work with your pump shoe without modification either
  5. Proformance1

    Fast superjet chase

    Ill shoot him a text for you
  6. Proformance1

    Freestyle FV-PRO Flatwater Shenanigans

    Looking great, you will love this hull. Cant wait to spend more time on Tony's latest masterpiece.
  7. Proformance1

    Custom/Hybrid PFP pipe waterbox in Havoc

    RCW and others cut the bottom off every waterbox they had. Works fine. Much louder though. Keeps box dry which is a plus. Hit up the new or old Havoc builders and im sure they will give more details. Watch leaving the ski floating as the pfp needs to be up above bond line to keep water out.
  8. Proformance1

    Freestyle R&D pump cone and OEM 155 pump

    Look at a Torrent, FYI i'm affiliated so i'm biased. Retail is 1699 set back. JetManiac just had a blem for Black Friday at around 1500.
  9. Proformance1

    Freestyle R&D pump cone and OEM 155 pump

    Yes, but if you have to buy all the pieces of a 155 OEM stator 175+, R&D or TBM pump cone 400+, wear ring 300 +, long bolts 85+ you're getting into the mid 900s. You'll still need the bearings, seals, custom driveshaft and now its a one off that wont change over to a set back 155. Then there is...
  10. Proformance1

    Freestyle R&D pump cone and OEM 155 pump

    By the time you are done you will have 3/4 of the price of a large hub invested, plus the time and the stator blade angles will still be stock. You'll have to experiment with the props at 300 each till you find one that works good enough. Unless you're looking for a project, why not just order...
  11. Proformance1

    Hitch haulers and small cars

    Hitch hauler and even small trucks don't work well. Locals have to do adjustable hitch hauler so it does not scrape out of parking lots. I'd do a small car and trailer for the win. or mid sized SUV with 500 lb tonuge capacity min.
  12. Proformance1

    Power valve clearance after cylinder bore

    Call Kyle at DASA, hell give you the specs
  13. Proformance1

    pre 08 vs post 08 superjets

    Frosty Loved his 08 hull but it was minus 2 and had tubbie destroyers on it to keep the nose up. 08+ has a ton of steering issues stock so you have to filter those responses out, has nothing to do with what you will be doing with the hull. That being said it is a different ride, didnt bother...
  14. Proformance1

    Full Spec Carbs Vs. Dasa Carbs

    IMO along with P&Ps comments, i agree. Most that have not back to backed carbs would not know the difference. Dasa carbs are a great deal. I do not get "hooked up" any more by either. The Dasa's are less expensive. That being said i currently run a set of P&P tuned 49 ALVR 6's from 2017...
  15. Proformance1

    Custom/Hybrid New Hull 155 pump? from what?

    Yea 155 for sure. We sell both and the time is now to step up. Its better down the road. Worst case do a 155 shoe and sleeve it
  16. Proformance1

    Engine overheat problem

    Had an issue similar years ago, found a zebra muscle in one of the b pipe elbows turned sideways. Turn up the water to the pipe as stated and see how that works
  17. Proformance1

    OEM 155 pump measurement needed

    Call JetManiac he should be able to hook you up with the correct shaft.
  18. Proformance1

    Who is going to be at World Finals this year?

    Ill be there sharing the H20 booth Thurs to Sun. Be sure to stop in and visit us.
  19. Proformance1

    XFS Comp DASA 1200 Loads up after spins???

    I rode one on an Aquabot that was so severe you would think it was broken. I actually fell on a turn. Reason I swapped to Xmetal and boot years ago. Longer exh pipe would work as well. Cant wait to hear your report to see if same issue.
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