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  1. Citizen

    Antigravity Batteries

    I will have to check my draw, I am still running the OEM starter installed from XS back in 2013, I do have a fresh JM rebuild sitting on the shelf though. I would guess on a average day of riding ill start the motor maybe 15-20x tops, I very very rarely get water in it, have only had to pull...
  2. Citizen

    Antigravity Batteries

    Looks like a good battery, does not appear to be sold in the states however. Awesome, just ordered one. thanks man. I have not touched the TL system since it was setup from XS, not sure what if any tuning can be done on them as far as startup power usage? What amp do you charge at? From what...
  3. Citizen

    Antigravity Batteries

    From their Warranty FAQ - Immersion in liquid. Not covered for use in a stand up jet ski.
  4. Citizen

    Antigravity Batteries

    I stand corrected, that looks perfect size wise. The CCA isnt going to work for my application however.
  5. Citizen

    Antigravity Batteries

    I know a 240cca lithium will not turn over my 220psi 1200, so somewhere between there and 480cca. I would guess 350cca+ would be plenty. I would guess i get 30-40 starts out of a 1601, this is running TL. Only time I really have run into amp hour issues is when i have to turn it over a lot to...
  6. Citizen

    Antigravity Batteries

    I have yet to find another battery that matches these specs. 4.5 x 3.25 x 5.25 inches (LxWxH) 480 Cranking Amps The DVX's have a very small area for the battery so the LxWxH is the limiting factor really.
  7. Citizen

    Antigravity Batteries

  8. Citizen

    Antigravity Batteries

    So I have been using these batteries for 2 years now due to not really having another option due to my motor setup(XS 1200rr). Specifically the 1601 (I have tried various other cheaper options and they are either...
  9. Citizen

    P&P Raptor Trim, is it worth the extra $$$

    Ive ridden Thrust trim, Xmetal w/ flow guard and the Raptor Trim. Xmetal was 10x better than Thrust IMO, and Raptor does everything Xmetal does better. Super smooth system with very high quality parts and craftsmanship. If you have the scratch do yourself a favor and just buy the Raptor.
  10. Citizen

    Pitch Components - Prepreg carbon parts :)

    Met these guys at World finals this year, super nice guys and their products are unreal. They will be getting my money in the near future.
  11. Citizen

    Impeller or Enhancer? What to upgrade

    Lots of good advice here, but IMO I would go with zeeltronics. I pieced my kit together for less than $400. Great electronics system that will grow with your ski or even future skis as you can load multiple maps and swap it to total loss if you want. I never had issues with my enhancers, they...
  12. Citizen

    Smoofers' Super Chicken Build (Mostly Complete)

    Took you 23 miles to get up to speed i see! =D
  13. Citizen


  14. Citizen

    RRP lite billet pole, blue - mint condition. Located in Denmark Europe.

    Met the Pitch guys at world finals and saw the pole in person. Super nice guys and that thing is a work of art.
  15. Citizen

    What's with all the molds for sale

    You are right, but the good thing about 3D printing is once the tech is there, it doesn't have to be dedicated to building jetskis. Instead of dumping all this time into molds, tooling and mats that are good for nothing but jetskis, you just load up a new file and print off a hull between...
  16. Citizen

    What's with all the molds for sale

    Give it 5 years tops and we will be 3D printing jetski hulls. Additive manufacturing is making leaps and bounds every single day. Looks like Revolver 3D printed their molds or at least prototypes already. Pretty sure they could do a jetski right now, just not cost effective yet.
  17. Citizen

    Never ride alone!

    I always have my helmet on, good chance i'd be dead or have no teeth by now if I didnt. Taken some hard hits over the years.
  18. Citizen

    Looking for feedback on piranha hulls

    People as a rule don't like to admit they made mistakes. They also don't want to have a total loss on their hands by making their item unsaleable. You are obviously welcome to spend your money wherever you want. But if 99% of the people say something is a dumpster fire, and you choose to...
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