2018 Tigercraft FVPro hull
Visual carbon
Comes with:
Xmetal pole
Xmetal steering/bars/chin pad
Kart tank
Ride plate
Intake grate
New this year h2o designs cover
Some additional parts can be negotiated like cables, hood latch, etc
Fort Worth tx
More pics available by request. Offers...
2018 Tigercraft Fvpro visual carbon
PHP 898 (compression 230/234)
Total loss
Race fuel domes
Skat 155 xmetal trim
3 gallon jazz
Ls1 novi 48s (recently gone through with new parts)
Also have a new pfp water box, not installed.
Ski was originally built by Zack at php. Currently on my dock with...
I’ll have to look into it again. Last time I insured skis I was still on EME and it was a nightmare back then trying to find a company that would do aftermarket skis, specially with state issued hins.
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I know we’ve talked about gps beacons for sunk skis in the past. Was just curious if anybody has thought of apple air tags. I know they make waterproof cases but very little information on if they transmit thru water and depth etc
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Heck ya, figured most would wash right off.
A little elbow grease and some cleaners and it will be back to new (and probably warmer weather)
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Looking for a larger tank for Tigercraft FVpro. I’m not able to measure to see what fits, as I’m not with my ski, and won’t be for quite some time.
If you have a 3+ gallon jazz/thrust/ etc that you know will fit an fv1/fvpro for sale let me know.
Thank you
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Didn’t read every comment but I’m all for it.
But my thoughts are adding a class or two:
Stock hull 900cc limit
Junior freestyle 900cc limit
Amateur open
Pro open
A super jet doing old school tricks shouldn’t be scored against backflips.
Kids should be in their own class.
On racing side...
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