To me, it's fanboys that are a big part of the problem. Once a buyer owns/ chooses a hull, everything they say about another manufacturer instantly and unfortunately is related to the builder. So if I choose hull A and make a derogatory comment about hull B, someone who is undecided might think...
Just throwing this out there... if you post the letter/answer. Nobody else has to search and you're just doing the work for them.
BTW... If you think i'm releasing the letters in their correct order.... well.....
First Clue....
Post # (First model year of the Yamaha Superjet minus year Napolean was born, plus 22)
First letter in the post.
I'd like to mention that I tried to pick specific posts in the thread that I like. Also... these are all posts by other people. No editing of posts have...
Ok..... Heres the:
Clues will be released as updates are made. This will motivate me to get work done... Its a win-win.....
Since there are at least three or four members who i'm sure know who this hull belonged to i've devised a way to level the playing field so they can participate. (no...
I have the oppisite problem. I have a SN exhaust tube in my RN. I have a expander hooptie that I used on my FX1 if your interested. Kinda overkill, but it would appear that overkill is what you're going for LOL...
Looks good. What color is it going to be?
I don't have a XFS, but I hate it when I ask questions and nobody responds...
What tank are you using? Just curious.
On my SJ, I put a little silicone on the exhaust hose out of the waterbox to help the tank slip past. If the hose slips off the bulkhead/ firewall exhaust fitting easily, you...
^^^^^^^ I'm so confused.
At least you have a SJ....
Not trying to be a dik, but given whats in your stable, thats where I would recommend focusing all your efforts for freestyle desires.
LOL @ meanwhile on Tumblr!!!!!!
Do ya'll want me to post what the prize will be for the contest first? OR just start it and let it be a surprise?
I honestly don't know what it will be this time. I have some ideas though.
I asked this in my build thread, but lets be honest... the thread is a frickin circus. So hopefully someone can help me here.
First question. The gel coat on the bottom of my RN is pretty much completely missing from the riding surface. Its just the bare.... whatever that material is...
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