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  1. Dubs chops

    how many gallons you use in a full day playing?

    on your ski. list motor, gallons, hours it takes to burn that many gallons, and maybe carb setup.
  2. Dubs chops

    official Ozarks Invasion sponsor thread

    lou. i wont be abn official sponser just in case something happens and i dont have time. But i am going to tray and make some decals. Would the majority of you guys want them for your ski's or vehichles? and what would you be interested in?
  3. Dubs chops

    When Barrel Rolls Go Bad!!

    I believe i will get a bmx helmet to start trying rolls this year thanks!
  4. Dubs chops

    reed spacer plate,

    any reviews on actual performance gains?anyone running them please chime in.
  5. Dubs chops

    reed spacer plate,

    LOL thats the one that got me to thinking. dont Xmetal sell something to do the same thing but a spacer for the FA.
  6. Dubs chops

    reed spacer plate,

    my garsh $100 to make a stock FA work?:rant:
  7. Dubs chops

    reed spacer plate,

    Do these actually do anything? or are they just another gimick.
  8. Dubs chops

    Superjet Vinyl Window Stickers

    I make custom vinyl graphics. I can even add a little guy doing a backy if you want lol. PM me with a size and color and i'll get you a price.
  9. Dubs chops

    xft footholds returf?

    i want to put thes in my sj but i heard they take up the complete rear of the tray any comments?
  10. Dubs chops

    SPECS ADDED!!!Can any of you engine builders tell me what to exect from this port job

    i think all i can get around here is 91. and i think i'm gonna try 37 first and go from there, thanks for the reply though.
  11. Dubs chops

    SPECS ADDED!!!Can any of you engine builders tell me what to exect from this port job

    OK another Q and i did search a bit but didnt find anything for my exact setup. i want about 180-190 compression on this motor. since the exhaust port may have been raise a mm should i go with like a 33cc dome or will a 35cc dome be fine? i am trying to raise compression to get a little bottom...
  12. Dubs chops

    SPECS ADDED!!!Can any of you engine builders tell me what to exect from this port job

    oxnard! did you take any other prot measurments?
  13. Dubs chops

    SPECS ADDED!!!Can any of you engine builders tell me what to exect from this port job

    i dont know any other details of the engine as i do not have it in my posession yet. I just bought it from oxnard.
  14. Dubs chops

    SPECS ADDED!!!Can any of you engine builders tell me what to exect from this port job

    these are the only specs i have. i was wondering if it would be a low end or top end port job. 62T cases, 61x cylinder. Looks to be re-sleeved b/c bore only measures 80.75mm. Engine cylinder and cases have been ported. Port height measures 36.75mm from my best measurement. All engine work was...
  15. Dubs chops

    what domes if cylinde rmeasure 80.75?

    so its actually smaller than 81mm is it still cool to run an 81mm dome?
  16. Dubs chops

    what domes if cylinde rmeasure 80.75?

    yeah but it is smaller. it measures 80.75 mm
  17. Dubs chops

    what domes if cylinde rmeasure 80.75?

    I bought the 62T, 61X motor from oxnard and it says the cylinders only measure 80,75MM i want to put a girlde head on hear but do i need to order 81mm domes or do they make an inbetween size? thanks for the help.
  18. Dubs chops

    minimum mods??

    Dont get em wron i know it is more technique than anything but Having power dont hurt for flatwater rolls either.
  19. Dubs chops

    Where to buy gaskets.

    Yeah i just found your for sale thread. I will be ordering form you shortly.
  20. Dubs chops

    Where to buy gaskets.

    Where do you all get your gaskets from? i am going to need a carb,flywheel head, intake, exhaust gasket(s)
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