so use foam for the gunwales after i defoam. but then i am stuck using 2 part foam for the gunwales instead of polystyrene right? But i dont guess that is a big deal huh. so will the 2 part run all the way down to fill in the voids in the polysttrene if i pour form the top of the cut gunwales...
i am talking about in the gunwales. or is that also what you are talking about? why not leave the old stuff in there and just defoam and put the polystyrene stuff in the bottom under the tray?
sweet. i am actually going the route you went in the floor. sfter i make the new ones should i jack around trying to get that foam out or leave it in for support?
Okay guys i am wanting to cut the gunwalls on my square like another i have seen here recently. my guestion is how do you shape the railcaps or whatever there called? can i just cut them like i like then lay glass over the foam thats left to use it for shape? or will te resin eat the foam? i...
Whats a safe amount to guess it is going to cost me to ship a 6m6? i am at work and just want to give the guy an estimate. but i dont know what it weighs to get a shipping cost. it will have the manifold and carb on it. and i live in the midle of the US so the fartherest it could be is like...
Hey guys i have a 6m6 for sale and a guy asked me this. "will it fit in a 94 waverunner III gp?" I want to sell this motor but dont want to lie to the guy and i have no clue? anyone else know?
yeah it has a shaft. I think with shipping i would have to have more tham that, I need to get At least $800 out of the whole boat. and as you can assume that is one of the more big ticket items.
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