You would drop $88 a year and the effort to change it out to save a few bucks? Doesn't make any sense to me.
I'd rather buy a used OEM then a crappy Chinese knock-off.
Its easier to remove the engine then trying to get it off in the hull. If the rubber is twisting then you can try the impact. Could also try and spray some PB Blaster between the bed plate and mount face and then heat the bolt head.... maybe with some luck it just needs a little help breaking...
BS- Seller should send out new cases and I would tear down the entire motor and check it real good if your going to keep it. Anyone with common sense would have packaged that thing with at least a little effort besides using cardboard.
Just from what I have seen that prop isnt bad for overall performance with your motor. A stock blaster prop is about 14/18 pitch. You have more motor so it should push it fine...
BTW we are running 11/17 hookers in un ported 701's and are getting some real nice snap out of them. Even if a boat...
I would check your prop man. Even with what everyone says about the old race parts and port timing, if what your saying the boat has is accurate you should smoke the stocker. You have a ported 760 with a nasty pipe and big carbs?! That thing should be doing 52-54mph
We have a SN with a 61x 701...
Had one of those fail (crack) with a red pipe mounted to it. We did have the pipe shimmed and adjusted perfectly on the motor as well. We then had a local machine shop make one from steel...its just too much stress for a small billet piece.
Pipe looks great though man, def gonna give mine a go...
Nice dude! Let us know how the power is. I have one I've been sitting on forever and would really like to know if its worth all the work to make it fit.
Not exactly sure what forums to have this in but figure this one gets the most traffic. I'm currently re-habbing my 24 foot pontoon and while Im at it I'm going to make it so I can haul 2 standups on it as well. To keep the weight even and balanced, they will be stored right up the center one in...
About a week ago i logged in and the nice dark blue theme was changed to a stale white/blue theme.. I finally went around to try and change it back and clicked the soft blue theme to see if that was it... well it made it the mobile theme that is super basic and there isnt a option to change it...
If it was something I actually cared about and wanted to know for sure it was going to a reliable ski I would rebuild it. But on the other hand Ive got a polaris slx 780 that was sitting for years behind a shop. Picked it up for basically nothing, did a comp test and had some rusty water come...
Sweet lookin SN. Always preferred them to the RN for some reason. As for the hood, its a stocker with hand holds cut into it and the top section blocked off with fiberglass to keep the water out. Did that to mine, time consuming but you save alot of weight with gutting a stock hood.
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