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  1. BombThreat

    Help....what's wrong with my engine?

    what are the comp numbers?
  2. BombThreat

    hooker experiences

    i had a 10/16 in the 809cc SJ and its was the cats ass. very nice prop got a hooker in the spec blaster too and its mint.
  3. BombThreat

    Installed cavitating?

    Shine a light into the pump from the intake side, should help the search for any leaks.
  4. BombThreat

    Wet jet pipe on blaster 1?

    I tried mockin one in there and the manifold was too big plus the chamber looked like it was gonna hit the hull.... ive heard rumors of people makin it work but I have yet to see how!
  5. BombThreat

    What BIG BORE kit to go with.....?

    Ive been very pleased with my Jetworks motor as well. Thier customer service is great also.
  6. BombThreat

    large cc - sub: possible?

    lol ive done that! the pole gabbed my right in the side and lifted me out of the water, so wish i had a video of that
  7. BombThreat

    Foam in fuel tank?

    that is correct and the foam will began to deteriorate over a short period of time (a year or so) So it must be changed often.
  8. BombThreat

    Aluminum pump shoes on ebay

    I agree, one of our guys just recieved a pump shoe from you and it looks great. we should get it installed in the next week
  9. BombThreat

    Installing dual cooling on first generation yamaha 144mm pump (with open boss)

    yup i i think that might be the solution.... although anyone work with devcon? also thinkin about maybe molding in a insert?
  10. BombThreat

    Aluminum pump shoes on ebay Good price but I just hate it when they charge a stupid amount of money for shipping to beat the fee's. Also bad for "buyer protection".
  11. BombThreat

    Installing dual cooling on first generation yamaha 144mm pump (with open boss)

    Ive got a pump from a 1990 SN and going to do dual coolin. Normally I drill and tap the boss on the stator section. But being this a super early pump it was drilled for the siphon bilge pump. I was thinking about filling with JB weld but I really dont think tapping that is a good idea. Id be...
  12. BombThreat

    is it uncommon to have no shims in your pump?

    havent seen that before... is there any writing inside the pump area from the factory?
  13. BombThreat

    Filling Crossover

    if the crossover is filled and made completely flush with the intake then there isnt any need for the plate.
  14. BombThreat

    Can someone please tell me what tis is???

    Looks like someone drilled out the middle adjuster screw and installed either a normal 1/4" hose barb or a water injection fitting there. Filter is there so the tiny hole wont clog. Pull the hose and see what they got goin on there
  15. BombThreat

    Huge site update

    Smart move on the upgrade... Im sure its easier to do it in smaller steps then waiting until there have been already 2-3 updates since last upgrading. I for one do appreciate all of the work put into this site. Thank You.
  16. BombThreat

    $2300 Superjet Gold

    Protec motor... have you checked the bore size and stroke?
  17. BombThreat

    Rear tow eye with 25mm under padding?

    long john silver
  18. BombThreat

    Jetworks Batteries

    Id get one from AJS, call Tuesday, think he's closed on Monday's.
  19. BombThreat

    anyone know this waterbox ?

    its a pita to install it.
  20. BombThreat

    JetVan, Surfride support vehicle.

    Did you look into doing the 4wd conversion yourself... I wonder how simliar the F series axles are to the vans.
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