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  1. swapmeet

    Super Jet Stator for TBM?

    All the questions and controversy could have been stopped within 7 hours and a e-mail to the mfg. Check the time stamps. Sent this to Chris, as a fyi in case he sells TBM to another (unsuspecting) customer. ... continues to say that 61X might be right. "Very mixed reviews regarding info on...
  2. swapmeet

    Super Jet Stator for TBM?

  3. swapmeet

    Super Jet bpipe boreing

    Good stuff d-moss... So, i'm still not clear on weather all headpipes and mani's are the same concerning how big you can go, I didn't want to go too far so I checked up at 48-ish on mine. It took a lot longer than 20 min but i'm pretty happy with the results. Here is some how-to concerning...
  4. swapmeet

    Super Jet Stator for TBM?

  5. swapmeet

    New BIG BORE 781 Freestyle Ported JetManiac/Blue Motor

    Sweet, you need to hit up Brian at SBP, he made a short run of orange anno rings.
  6. swapmeet

    Super Jet Swapmeet's "Really?" RN build

    Yes.....^^^ So all the .gifs I'd been setting aside for my happy dance upon getting the engine will have to be used later. Jetmaniacs fault. I resurrected a thread about porting the exhaust mani and head pipe. I opened mine up from 42-ish mm to 48.5ish on both. The instructions on the BB...
  7. swapmeet

    Super Jet bpipe boreing

    Bumping this up. I have a older head pipe and mani. How big can/ should you go on these? 48mm?
  8. swapmeet

    Other Hypothetically speaking......

    Ya know... i've been thinking long and hard about this. I feel like...... I dunno. Maybe we should give this guy a chance maybe. It could be... that really he's just be dealt a crappy hand... repeatedly... and it makes him look bad. His mistakes are many and they clearly have had grave...
  9. swapmeet

    New BIG BORE 781 Freestyle Ported JetManiac/Blue Motor

    Yeah, fracman is my buddy over that. I was gonna buy it and then all the sudden he just stopped answering PM's and texts. Oh well... my wife is awesome and was cool(ish) with me getting one. You have a SB 20/20 cover? Oh and thanks for ruining my suprise Chris... I was trying to build up...
  10. swapmeet

    Super Jet Swapmeet's "Really?" RN build

    *link broke, don't remember what I posted*
  11. swapmeet

    Other Hypothetically speaking......

    Oh hey, I've had one PM (referencing my negative feedback thread) about you. Not from all your phantom sellers who won't sell to me now (LMAO!!!!), but from a buyer who wanted to literally choke you over a sketchy motor deaL and the way you handled it. I also learned that you screwed over a...
  12. swapmeet

    Other Hypothetically speaking......

    Sounds like the 'customer' is never at fault but is quick to blame anyone and anything else as the reason for the issue.
  13. swapmeet

    ChrisFiore15, 3 weeks to get parts

    HAHAHAHA! I not only invite... I dare these 'sellers' you speak of to PM me and confirm that. Nobody has to know, I won't 'out' you if you PM me. If someone has committed to you not to sell to me, why not commit TO ME they won't sell to me. Hell, send me a PM with their names, I'll ask them...
  14. swapmeet

    ChrisFiore15, 3 weeks to get parts

    Oh good, you responded... How can you improve? Use a shipper that services you at the same level you feel you serve your customer. Or, and I know this is crazy... Go to the post office, get a recipt. Prove that it's the post offices fault, and that you did the right thing. This is your word...
  15. swapmeet

    Super Jet Swapmeet's "Really?" RN build

    Hey...... whats in the box?
  16. swapmeet

    Freestyle New rok-r 1200

    Ever get the bottom finished?
  17. swapmeet

    Freestyle Any females out here????

    What Idok said.... My wife has an account and rides. But she doesn't post much.
  18. swapmeet

    LOTO boat crash

  19. swapmeet

    Super Jet Stator for TBM?

    Huh... so somebody COULD run it on a 61x, and it might work or someone thinks is working. But it would actually be wrong?
  20. swapmeet

    Super Jet Stator for TBM?

    TBM says their Yami flywheel should be used with a 62t stator. I have been told by the previous owner of the TBM I have that there is mixed reviews on which stator will work. He also told me that both 61x and 62t will work. Whats the story?
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