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  1. BombThreat

    Red Ski Pictures PLEASE :)

    thats a sick SN in the 3rd pic
  2. BombThreat

    62T and 61X girdled heads not the same?

    slow night
  3. BombThreat

    62T and 61X girdled heads not the same?

    I bought a new ADA girdled head for a 62T topend (701cc) and the domes, headbolts and head are all shifted about 1/8th closer to the carbs side of the motor. I never knew this... and I didnt see it mentioned anywhere on ADA's site. Im just checkin with you guys, is this normal?
  4. BombThreat

    24/7 Update

  5. BombThreat

    ATP dealer???

    yeah man check your phone policy b/c calling overseas might cost you out the ass!
  6. BombThreat

    superjet w/ Kawasaki 650 motor

    why waste your time... get a real motor in there like a JS300
  7. BombThreat

    Attention NE Riders

    bump for a sick boat!
  8. BombThreat

    Battery drain to 75% in less than 48hrs

    jetworks batteries are only $68 at
  9. BombThreat

    93 bp/amoco oct gas vs off brand 92 oct vs Av gass...jetting same?

    whats av gas running per gallon now a days?
  10. BombThreat

    Would you pay $1/month to support the site and have ZERO ads?

    done, for ALL the friends, info and money saved using this site 10 bucks is one hellva bargain!
  11. BombThreat

    Turfing questions for SN

    go with the flow, trust me my first looked worst. your not gonna notice it while your on your ski... or from 10 feet away:)
  12. BombThreat

    SXR Hood Mods

    thats some really good glass work, nice job!
  13. BombThreat

    Turfing questions for SN

    heat gun as your pulling around the corners.
  14. BombThreat

    760 cylinder and Mikuni 44's

    might want to invest in a caliper... you can pickup even a cheap one for like $30
  15. BombThreat

    Hmm whats the best place for hood hoses? (pics)

    interesting... although if water came in the hood wouldnt it just splash on the motor/carbs?
  16. BombThreat

    Hmm whats the best place for hood hoses? (pics)

    modded, yamaslut mod
  17. BombThreat

    Hmm whats the best place for hood hoses? (pics)

    This should be pretty simple but the rear spot in the engine compart that open wont let the hose go high enough in the hood and its right next to the air intakes on the hood and the only other small spot is between the fuel tank and flywheel... i should have the hose go from as far up in the...
  18. BombThreat

    Removing SXR Dry Pipe

    its on there good, there are 2 orings that the pipe clicks into on the manifold. I took a large screw driver and did what you described...might have to do some wiggling/pulling by hand on the chamber to help get them apart.
  19. BombThreat

    7 mil stroker motor

    Mines a 5mm, sorry. I know it uses a slightly thicker base gasket then stock and 44cc domes for 180psi and 42cc for 200psi
  20. BombThreat

    Is it just me?

    I know id much rather ship within the US, too much paperwork and potential problems with shipping overseas. IMO
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