2011 daytona freeride dates

Don 79 TA

Still Fat....
Hey Don.... I see you're still posting pics of Missy as your avatar again ???
Are you finally gonna make an appearance this year???

LOL... not her

since we are on the west coast, not easy to get the time to get out there
but...... have a lead on a job in SC... need to get back to the east coast again

BTW..... un-block my email addy from your spam filter lol
brock if you go, you can come over and chill out at my place down the street with bunch of other guys. I literally live 2 minutes away from the beach approach, and thats on a bike! We'll wrench on our skis, which, due to highroller quality, will probably be in a million pieces. Haha

sounds good. Still have to go over everything with the parents, I wont even have my after 9 license yet, so driving will be limited for the drive there and back. Better start saving now for all the gas its gona take.

Tyler Zane

Open Your Eyes
when do you get to come home? my dad just got back, he's in the 278th

ah ya the Tennessee guard, armored calvary if im not mistaken. i met a few, good folks.

i come home on leave in October, ill be tearing my engine down to send the cylinder off for porting, boring... i get home for good right before Christmas so that leaves me like 2 weeks to get my engine together, tune up the carbs (never started from scratch), get the b pipe installed and break it in (not to mention visit family and friends). if i could only get the cylinder done and ready to put back together in October i know i would be ready. might have to bribe my dad... haha the hull is ready to go, well good enough for the free ride. i have been dreaming about this all year so its now a goal of mine :headbang:
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starter kill

aka LUFA-make some WAKE!!
knoxville tn
yeah thats right, most of them are right out of knoxville, some other surrounding areas too i think. my dad is lt crnl kiefer...dunno if ya met em or not. anyway, does your ski run at all? maybe you could ride it the way it is in the surf then after the event do the build...so your not rushing.

Tyler Zane

Open Your Eyes
na, i havnt met him.

ya it runs great, its just the engine is bone stock and i have 3k burning a hole in my pocket! i think ima be ok thou, i bribed my dad to pull the cylinder off and send it to get ported/bored. ill get it put together in october :1244: and if i have to ill drive to clearwater (xmetal) and get it tuned up!
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Trying to get upside down
So as I am turrning 40 next year, would I be considered a misfit in this crowd? I am seriously thinking about spending a week in that area (minus my wife and daughter), what do you guys think?
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