Four stroke Weber motor info

I will be handling many of the Weber questions like parts / service details for Marcel, as he's a very busy guy... There are other established primary service techs in the US also, and the Weber team is very busy setting up new dealers for ALL Weber products.

The Hydrospace is a very small portion of their market, and they offer complete motor packages from approx 50Hp to the 140 Hp "pump gas" packages for Watercraft, ATV, Boats, Offroad buggy’s & ATV, etc. The list is getting longer each day as more manufactures are purchasing their motor & drivetrain packages. If you have a question about any Weber product, please contact me and I will be happy to assist you.

If you are an existing Watercraft, Marine or ATV dealer, are interested in the Weber product line and are curious about becoming a Weber Sales and Service dealer please contact me and I will connect you with Dan Schroepfer, the USA Marketing director. If you need or want to become a service dealer for all the Weber Product lines and recreational customers, I can assist you with all questions you may have and establish the contacts with Weber to become a Certified and OEM trained Weber Dealer.

We just returned from the 2007 IJSBA World Finals, where Weber equipped Hydrospace skis won 17 World titles. We spent all week assisting racers & tuners with the information necessary to improve their performance, and correct some of the misinformation that was causing some confusion about sensors, diagnostics, and troubleshooting. It’s always great to help people solve their problems, answer their questions, and improve their performance. As many of you know, I have been a “support center” for Polaris industries for over 10 years and I have accepted this position with Weber also. I will continue to offer technical support for any Polaris owner. Now I will be “tuning by laptop” as well as supporting my existing customers.

I am getting a "hands on" education from Marcel and the Weber team, and the performance possibilities are endless... Wait until you see the new V-4 motor. I think PH2O should drop one in his GP-1200R hull.. . This is an old file, and I will find some newer links and specifications to post soon.. I am extremely impressed with the quality and durability of the Weber motor.

I know this is an unusually long post for me, but I am really “fired up” about the new technology available, and the endless possibilities of the components. Weber has purchased manufacturing rights to many of the Polaris components, and has perfected the jet-pump assemblies, drive components and created many new parts to compliment the Weber powerplant. I think 200 Hp on pump gas will be very interesting..

Randy at Watcon
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With all the toys you have listed, I think you need to hire me as your personal mechanic.. LOL..

It was great meeting you, and thanks for the assistance..


WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
The only way I see that working is if you come up with an intake system that ensures no water ever make it inside that engine,I haven't seen one yet,not to say it can't be done.


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
The only way I see that working is if you come up with an intake system that ensures no water ever make it inside that engine,I haven't seen one yet,not to say it can't be done.
thats kinda what I was thinking. there are obviously some very smart guys working on this, I know that injestion is the #1 concern here.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Not just ingestion.
We know that sinking a ski in the surf is a common occurence, no matter what the motor is.
There is no easy recovery from that for a 4-smoke.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
Well, I've never sunk my ski in the surf. :biggthumpup:

But the point remains. You'll have to be really sure not to sink it. Or spend a whole lot of time on getting it going again.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
If the airbox is set up to never take in water,it dosen't matter if it sinks or not,it still would'nt take in water,I would think they have enough electronics on that engine to set up some kind of trap door system on the airbox that would sense the presense of water in the intake and open a trap door and let it out before it reaches the engine or in the case of sinking the boat shut a trap door so water did not enter the engine.I we can float people around in space,I think someone could figure this out.
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