While out wake jumping the guy on the Kawi ZXi 1100 couch didn't listen to a word I said when I told him to keep his distance, did NOT want to get into a crash. His claim was I landed a straight jump wrong and took a spill...but IF he LISTENED lol...he would have seen that well in advance and not jumped the wake. Well...he did not listen, he was right on my tail when I landed and he landed on top of me...or more accurately on top of the left side of my head. Gashed me open just enough to require 6 stitches, 3 months of severe concussion and partial memory loss. My short term is just horrible now and the long term prior to 21 is spotty at best. Although I did not think about or even realize helmets were a way to go, about 8 years ago I started getting into wearing one and will not ride now without one...even got more of the lads in my group to appreciate them, now they won't ride without one either
The season before last I tore my gastrocnemius (otherwise known as calf muscle). It is the larger inner portion of the calf. Thing is I was just cruising along at about half throttle looking at the shoreline scenery when it tore. It at first felt like I was hit by a stray bullet, the pain is sharp and immediate. The more I thought about it after the fact, the more I recalled that it felt like stretching a slingshot to maximum draw, then the rubber strap snaps. But that is actually a very near exact description of any muscle fiber. It has an outer sleeve with an inner cord called the actin fiber. That is what does all the contraction and when it tears, if it is bad enough like mine it snaps up tight into a ball. I have an awkwardly bulged calf muscle now. This is apparently a common jogging injury for people in their early to mid 40's...I seem to be rushing things though since I'm not quite up to 40 yet lol.