Kev's SN Build


Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
man i hope you trimmed or sanded the area near the hood lip.

you will give yourself some nasty carbon fiber splinters working on the ski if you havent made that spot smooth.

looking good otherwise. and i like the idea for the paint.

now you just need to get some sunsations racing stickers:cheer:
hahaha yea i think thats for the one ryan gave me thats gonna be "sunsations lives marsh racer" i like the sound of that i have to sand that lip down real nice anyway im gonna do that after i do the nose.
I did the back of the ski just to match the rest of the engine bay exept were the e- box goes itll just cover it. nothing big. I also rigged up a draining system to the hood so not as much water goes into the engine bay.


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dude you told me to do it that way. and whats so ugly?

kool allright nice ill pick them up soon. did you call that plastic place? i went there to pick up foam and i asked if he had carbon. he gave me a crazy answer. something about ordering it (i wasnt paying attention)
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im gonna shave it all off after i get done with the carbon.

i glassed up the gas hole in the nose and also foamed up the nose. gonna sand it all down so its nice and flush with everything. after that reinforce the pole bracket area. its a pain to go into that hull

no the hood isnt getting lowered


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Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
damn thats a lot of foam...

you only need the foam to fill the voids so you can lay the glass flat to strengthen the pole bracket area. no need for that have a messy sanding job ahead of you lol.
baldwin ny
man what is it 15 years riding my sn never even cracked the pole mount. i guess rather then learn how to ride you just do tons of glass work.


Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
man what is it 15 years riding my sn never even cracked the pole mount. i guess rather then learn how to ride you just do tons of glass work.

we're not worthy.

only took timmy running into a sandbar at 5-10 mph to go over the bars and crack that black hull.


Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
timmys ski only wound up 10 pounds heavier... and that thing has a lot of glass on it. im gonna say thats pretty indestructible now... only weak point is the stock square pole bracket


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
Site Supporter
I don't think the nose foam is bad idea. It's no diff than the removable piece, just its locked in now...dead space anyway. Keeps you from losing nuts,bolts, and washers up that way.
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