Just had time to take these and post them!
Gotta go back to work. :thumbsdown:
OMG is it gonna be HARD to work!
It's a square nose, square tail and square top and it's made of wood.
Niiiiiiiiiiiiccccceee ! cant wait to see it will it be done monday ?I need to go through my camera and see if I can apply some kind of filter.
My eyes hurt from staring at this hull for hours!!
No graphics because Jeff and I agreed that if they (the wraps his guy came up with) were to loud or bold to leave them off. I like simplicity.
I have a killer idea though!
No graphics because Jeff and I agreed that if they (the wraps his guy came up with) were to loud or bold to leave them off. I like simplicity.
I have a killer idea though!