Super Jet Optional bent exhaust hose for under tray?


Arlington TX
I've defoamed under the tray, and i'm about to refoam etc.

I want to eliminate the exhaust pipe from interfering with foot holds. What is the common solution for this?
I had considered using the flexible radiator hose and RTV'ing it along with double hose clamps or something sturdy like that.

But that seems kinda rigged, i'm not sure how it would hold up over time rubbing against the foam (using home insulation type foam).

I've seen people weld in two 90* bends to create an S, but I don't have a TIG.

Just looking for ideas.


Arlington TX
Lower in the firewall?

I had thought about that.... But I was under the impression that having it terminate up high was important to reduce the amount of water ingress to the water box... or something. (that feeling when you know you're talking out of your ass)

If it matters, I'm running a side exhaust outlet, so I'll likely chop the flange off the stock metal pipe.

But I figured this might be a question others have...
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i have a custom tdr resonator. the jetcraft should have a spiral core and be quieter then mine. as long as mine had water going in it was about the same as a stock sn box maybe a tad louder but not noticeably. no water=straight pipe=very loud. trailer brapping was painful


Sionis Industries
Swap, you can still cut your existing pipe and run a 15 degree silicone bend coupler to drop it down. There was a website I looked at awhile back relating to a similar issue I had. I think it was or something to that effect..moreover, if you run the side exit..I have heard many guys having issues with water ingestion back to the water box upon re entry after popping out of the water or turning hard to the outlet side. Most can be solved by glassing in a deflector or fabbing something up on the leading edge of the outlet..just a thought..
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Arlington TX
Yeah, I was gonna do a deflector.
I actually bought a Front exhaust outlet that had one, but the angle of the inlet was going to make it really tough to use.

This is what I get for doing stuff without asking ya'll.

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