Custom/Hybrid Quadski


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
its a sweet flat water rescue boat lol

I've been pushing this for my department. They would rather discuss air boats and john boats for surf and flood rescue. I'm not sure any of these people know anything about boating. An airboat for hurricane rescue? I can see them crashing into every trailer, blowing a few over, and getting pushed the opposite direction when the wind gusts. John boat for surf rescue? Really? Ugh...
This would be the ultimate vehicle for that fatty on the couch that was posted up last week, She could just camp on it and continue gaining weight
The best part, they will only cost $40,000 for the first 1000 units made, I better get mine. Shoot I will get one for the wife and kids!


So long and thanks for all the fish
FYI, that thing has been around for many years, same videos, not actually in production that I know of.


So long and thanks for all the fish
I've been wrong before. When did the first video for it come out, like 2007 and it's just now being really produced/sold?

It reminds me of the Aquabikes (or whatever they called them) that were drug around to races in the 90's. They were supposed to be the replacements for Wetbikes, very swoopy, one had a Kawasaki twin 850cc engine and the other was a Yamaha triple. They never found investors to put them into production.

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Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
Make all the jokes you want, but this is amazing product. I think they will sell. They may not sell a lot, or sell fast, but they will sell.

I mostly look at them for 1st response. The response time for water rescue is just plain stupid. Making sure people know how to pull a trailer, and beach launch a boat is very difficult (not the skill, I can do it, I mean finding people who are competent is difficult). Removing the trailer, they have to assemble the boat. If they don't beach launch, the response times are extremely long. Even with a beach, you still have to be able to get in the water, and with rough seas, you may not be able to launch a boat into the surf. The only training needed for this is actual operation, because activation is idiot proof.

There will however be people who like them for recreational use. Complaining they are not great quads or skis is silly. We can't build a ski that's great for freestyle and for racing, it's one or the other. This is the same deal. Racers and mudders wont be getting a lot of use out of this, but there is a nitch market for these.


Down Side Up
waterford, MI
^^ xr would know better, but the sticker price is around 40k, and they already have a surprisingly high number of orders.
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V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
Scott works with me. He's doing a great job, too. And yes, $40,000 is the approx. price. It may not be the fastest couch OR the best trail machine, but it fills a niche for some well heeled buyers.

More vehicles are in the works, and the price go beyond $1M for this one:

How big do you think those jet pumps are?
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Arlington TX
Make all the jokes you want, but this is amazing product. I think they will sell. They may not sell a lot, or sell fast, but they will sell.

I mostly look at them for 1st response. The response time for water rescue is just plain stupid. Making sure people know how to pull a trailer, and beach launch a boat is very difficult (not the skill, I can do it, I mean finding people who are competent is difficult). Removing the trailer, they have to assemble the boat. If they don't beach launch, the response times are extremely long. Even with a beach, you still have to be able to get in the water, and with rough seas, you may not be able to launch a boat into the surf. The only training needed for this is actual operation, because activation is idiot proof.

There will however be people who like them for recreational use. Complaining they are not great quads or skis is silly. We can't build a ski that's great for freestyle and for racing, it's one or the other. This is the same deal. Racers and mudders wont be getting a lot of use out of this, but there is a nitch market for these.

Ya know, for a Floridiot... I agree with you an awful lot.

I think they're cool... I have no use for it, but I can see the use. For people who live in extremely remote regions, this would be huge.


Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
Wow I had no idea the Quad ski was real! All along I've been thinking it was just a poor attempt at humor from the "Hardcore" crowd over at PWCToday. Hating on it makes no sense, we're comparing apples to oranges here. This is not a PWC or a quad, it's actually a multipurpose Vehicle. I personally would not be in the market for one but I can see the advantages for the Hunter/fisherman who lives in a swampy area. The two biggest obstacles I can see that they need to address are;
1. What happens if you high center on the way to your favorite fishing hole and compromise the hull?
2. The $40,000 price tag. It would probably sell at half that price.
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