Other The What is your biggest Rookie move on a build.


Manager of Gnar Shredding activities
Still in rookie mode so bear with me.

Bought a 77 440 with a new paint job so I automatically assumed it was going to be awesome. Looks good in my garage!

Forgot to bolt on my intake grate and ride plate. :)

Hooking up the return line and main lines backwards.

Not tightening my exhaust coupler and while riding it started bogging and then I swam 1.5 miles back across the lake just intime for someone to ask if iwas alright.
this thread is starting to make me worry. I cannot think of any rookie moments i have had. only been in it for a year now, and seeing all you 'seasoned' riders, i am wondering what will my first FML moment be. The only thing i can think of right now is i cannot remember if i put a gasket on the flywheel cover.


Yo hablo ingles
this thread is starting to make me worry. I cannot think of any rookie moments i have had. only been in it for a year now, and seeing all you 'seasoned' riders, i am wondering what will my first FML moment be. The only thing i can think of right now is i cannot remember if i put a gasket on the flywheel cover.

Dont worry, the only thing that gasket does is keep water out of the generator. Now that I think about, thats pretty important.


formerly kawirider142
I got one.. So it was a great day on the water in the ocean until i sunk the ski after loosing it in the surf. Got it running again rode for another 30 min and then headed back to the launch ramp. Right as i got there it died and would not start again. When i got home, worried about salt clogging all my cooling ports in the B-Pipe, i decided why don't i back flush it that will do the trick. Ran the water for about 3 minutes and filled up the whole motor not knowing until I took the plugs out seeing that the water was all the way to the top. got all the water out that i could and trying to take off the head i snapped the head bolt as well. Got it all put back together to only find out that it was my start stop switch that had taken a dump. Put it all back together a day later and i am still riding it to this day almost 3 years later.. fingers crossed she hasn't blown up yet :)
Had to rebuild seadoo motor after someone stole it, as they dropped a bolt in the crank case. Just finished rebuild and dropped a bolt in there myself and on those motors you cant get it out without stripping all the way down.


This Is The Way
Staff member
Yeah i was 12 and they were my first skis.. I got them from a lady I mowed for. No idea how I didn't die or start anything on fire. Looking back... i wish i still had that kind of luck
I thought you were going to say "buying an SXR copy aftermarket hull."
Reinstalling a motor in my sj after a starter swap. swapped fuel lines. I probably went through a 1/2 gallon of premix gas down the cylinder trying to get it to run thinking i had a nasty air lock. Even double checked it with my blaster and must have looked at the carb wrong (it was dark out). i ended up with a huge pool of oil under my exhaust on the garage floor lol

on my 750sx i was working on something and took it for a quick circle with no hood (think i was checking my water lines)...i managed to fall off during that circle :bigeyes:
87 kawi 650sx and it ran great, My first ski also. I got it about 2 weeks ago. Me n the old lady wanted to get out and ride so i just assumed everything was cool.... Runs great for a couple days so i go a little farther away from the boat ramp than i normally would and of course the motor eats 2 reeds.. old stock spring steel reeds...i swam me n the ski in for 2 hours, being passed while i waved for help by five boats but thats another post.... i got it back to the shop, cylinders walls chewed, bearings destroyed and bunch of metal in the bottom end.. off to sbt... fun fun..

Thats really lame getting passed by boats. I towed a 15ft aluminum with my superjet last season, they were grateful.
- Taking off my first flywheel, getting stuck and finally stripping out my gear puller. Buying a new puller asking for more advice on the forum and getting told to use heat on the ring gearl and whack it with a hammer. So I did just that...heated up the ring gear and wacked the flywheel with a hammer on the edges until it popped off. Success I thought...untill I looked at the magnets which were now destroyed and the stator coil was nicked making it useless.

Confused I asked for clarification and got...just hit it with a hammer. When I explained I did...but it damaged the magnets, the forum reply was..."I mean the tool dude...not the flywheel". Not his fault at all but man did I feel stupid.

- Thinking a Westcost pipe would make a huge improvement over the stock modded 650 pipe. Than leaning the carb until it ran amazing...for about 3 minutes.

- Reversing cooling and bilge lines on a 650 sx.

- Doing a sub with the hood latch not locked on a square.....yeah that was fun.
So harsh bro......... The truth hurts

Im on a Kawi after riding a Yamaha. The trick is it has to be in aftermarket hull. I think it's a better engine package as far as power and ease of service. With Kawi you're chasing response, on a yamaha you're chasing power. Either way you have to dump big money into stroker cranks/billet PV cylinders to achieve competition performance. It's all apples and oranges. I could go on forever with pros and cons, but then i'd be derailing this more than I am.

One of my bad rookie moves was having someone else do work for me. I always get burned regardless of the job or vehicle.
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