nice build, should be a lot of fun when it warms up.
a few things- not sure on the square but on the round they have holes on the left and right next to the pto to fill the foam. stand the ski on the tail end and pour away. just another option.
when I installed some wd footholds I cut reliefs so it was easier to bend the hold to the ski and this made some of the bulge at teh top go away- not all of it but about 75%. for someone else attempting this.
if you modified the placement on the steering nozzle I think you can achieve a quicker steering ratio. makes it go from having to turn 2-3 inches to like an inch to spin around hard. takes some getting used to- I did not think I would ever be able to turn without falling but eventually it gets better.
don't take any of the above as criticism, its not. just looking to add more info for the next guy brave enough to take on this monumental job.
is it me or the camera angle- one tubbie looks wider than the other?
Is that powder coating kit you have there the craftsman one? looks pretty easy, provided you have an oven big enough for the part. wonder how good that would hold up in the salt and compared to anodized?
again geat job. those sponsons should really make carving a lot easier.