Well I got back from work today and didnt even go inside, just opened the garage and went to work. I really didnt plan everything out before hand but just kind of kept going. I have a bit of a tendancy to go to far with a lot of my projects but at the same time I pretty happy with the way things are going so far. Either way too late to go back now.
Currently sitting at shortened, rounded, reinforced, refoamed nose, extremly widdend sponsons, widdend bond rail in front and tapering back to the factory size in the rear, reinforced hull around engine compartment/ dash, bullet proof poll mount, shortend poll and reinforced at bottom near bracket. At this point I will be out of reson/epoxys and money. Really hoping that it will ride good.
I am open to any suggestions on things to do or ways to do it. This is my first build and I am really kinda flying by the seat of my pants on what I am doing.