At least that's the latest, bolded headline on After reading it, I got to say: Mr Petrovic, if you want your website to be taken seriously, perhaps make it less all about you and more about what really goes on. That story was about an apparent spat between you and a local event organizer. It was completely devoid of any information or facts. It was, however, full of hearsay and personal opinions. How about a statement from the organizer rather than just your own ramblings? Why is this such huge news that it has to be at the top and bolded? Why is a race team getting attacked in Kuwait not news, yet you riding with some obscure DJ is the biggest story to hit that site (until this one now)?
I'm sorry, I was under the impression was about the sport and it's competitors. Seems like its not about the sport and about only ONE competitor.
I'm sorry, I was under the impression was about the sport and it's competitors. Seems like its not about the sport and about only ONE competitor.