Freestyle "US Competitor banned from competing"

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steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
At least that's the latest, bolded headline on After reading it, I got to say: Mr Petrovic, if you want your website to be taken seriously, perhaps make it less all about you and more about what really goes on. That story was about an apparent spat between you and a local event organizer. It was completely devoid of any information or facts. It was, however, full of hearsay and personal opinions. How about a statement from the organizer rather than just your own ramblings? Why is this such huge news that it has to be at the top and bolded? Why is a race team getting attacked in Kuwait not news, yet you riding with some obscure DJ is the biggest story to hit that site (until this one now)?

I'm sorry, I was under the impression was about the sport and it's competitors. Seems like its not about the sport and about only ONE competitor.


Lodi Cali
And while your at it, ditch that stupid red shirt with the giant #1 on it. You didn even make the podium at world finals, that means not 1, 2, or 3. So the red shirt is the biggest joke I've seen in quite some time.


lake goodwin
I have not been to the website because I don't want to support someone who makes posts like "Tragic jet ski accident" and then just post his website's url, its kinda douchey.

But so is self promoting and having more text about how great you are on every picture you post that you can barely tell whats going on.

And saying you are the #1 freestyler and getting fourth place in AMATEUR world finals.

And... well that's enough for now.


Lodi Cali
Or crying about how you should've placed better at worlds cause you THOUGHT your tricks were better or harder then others. Get real, you might have thought so, but the judges didn't. earned that 4th place an coming on here and having your girl backing you saying you got screwed is like a 2 year old throwing a fit.


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Drama never fails to attract attention......

GO GET HIM !!!!!!




Freighter wake hunter
Portland, OR
We can give you that the water conditions were crappy. They were crappy for everyone. How about we review the tape and let people make their own decisions? I knew I shoot video of this stuff for a reason.
I wasn't going to post and opinion but I have to point out you are supposed to land the tricks. A combo of a couple tricks is nice too.

Here is how that is done by Eric Malone. Barely a bobble when he lands. Smooth flow from one trick to the next:

Here are the rest of the freestyle competition from the 2011 WF so people can compare the field:


Lodi Cali
He's not #1 anything in the world, unless somebody switched 4 and 1 and I didn't hear about it. Not only that but I've seen him reading this thread twice so far today with no commet.... Must be proof reading his next BIG story for
Lets chang the subject, he's got y'all talking about him so he is #1. Damn Malone can ride. His 2006 ride was better than everyones 2011 run. Ha Ha lets talk about that
Thank you for someone finally saying that Wanderer.

Whats up with all the bashing? He does not say he's anything that he isn't.. he is number 1, in the USA...
Number 4 in the WORLD.
And was the First to do a super flip on an Amateur set up.. Thats pretty impressive.. can anyone else do that..? cough cough?
Any of you come close to that?
Didn't think so, not sure why we are all hating..

It sucks that he took a 10+hour EACH way ride to the events, just to be told he can not compete due to the event organizer, there is NO rules what so ever that state nationality rulings for the championship, I would be pretty livid as well if I were in his shoes.

The website, XJETSKI, It is an excellent idea to keep up with all the standings of EVERY single rider, pretty impressive if you ask me... to compile all of that data.
And there is ALWAYS different news updated on the site... not only about Alex.
Cant please everyone, but I think the site is doing a very good job as per what it was designed to do. There is NO news source in the entire united states that does not show some form of bias.
No matter what anyone does around here, there is more drama then I saw throughout high school...

Its such a small sport as it is, Alex has done a lot for the publicity of the sport, being in the news, and promoting the sport. Lets not hate on someone for what shirt they wear, do we hate on everyone that rides a stock ski? no.. Do we hate on everyone riding a super freak? no.. do we hate on people for wearing a red life jacket? No. Its his choice what clothing to wear...

Its funny that the OP was basing on the fact of a bias one sided point of view, well what do you consider this thread.... ?

Don't see what makes everyone hop on these drama bandwagons as it is...

In no way am I taking sides, or creating an argument.. its just :):):):)ty to watch so many people BASH someone like this.... Especially in such a small sport.


Lodi Cali
Your right, he's the best freestyler out there, don't believe me, just ask him....

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