Other How do you insure your AM hull build


Ride, Wrench, Repeat
San diego
My insurance company is reluctant to insure my Gen 3 BOB because they are calling it a custom high performance watercraft.

How are you guys getting your custom builds insured? Who are you insured with?

Progressive. I explained to them how much money i have into my ski, way too much too admit. Its about 4 hundo a year. They said i would need to provide pics, build threads and receipts if i needed to file a claim for the full value. Im sure it will be a real hassle if it comes to that but at least i feel somewhat covered.


Military Member
Fort Worth, TX
Progressive from usaa for an agreed upon value, mine is less that $200 a year. Same as above post pics and receipts if claim was filled, thankfully I have been keeping track of them!

I did the lowest liability. I just wanted to be covered from fire, theft, etc

EDIT: Progressive denied me for state issued HIN, went with wakezone.
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Above post is a good idea. I'm insured by Nationwide and provided documentation as to the actual cost of my skis and parts. I also have a signed document from the actual underwriter not the agent that they understand what I provided them as factual and will reimburse in the event of a claim.


Military Member
Fort Worth, TX
Well progressive just sent me a cancelation notice saying they can't insure it for physical damage because it has a state issued hin. So looks like ill call wake zone.


Ride, Wrench, Repeat
San diego
Ya... Give Stacy a call... she hooked me up with full insurance on our BOB at a pretty reasonable price. It will depend on what you think your replacement value is and what you decide on liability limits, but she was more really competitive with any others (before they said no because it was a "customized" watercraft). Tell her you're from X-H20.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD


Maybe I'll get it all the way around NEXT time....
LLoyds of London. LOL - the original insurance company. I wonder if they were LOL'ing when they created the business...


Military Member
Fort Worth, TX
Just got off the phone with progressive, Ya they will only cover liabilty. NO fire theft or anything to do with the value of the ski. I will call Stacy tomorrow, I didn't bring my skis info with me.


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
^^ There you go. That's been my experience, over-enthusiastic sales agents that don't know their own policies and promise you the moon.


see ya out there
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St Charles IL
ive been playing around with this in the past few weeks

ive called many different under writers n they all keep saying NO.....

im gonna try geico next, then maybe a few mom n pop places...

Most say they cant insure ski cause the brand isnt in their list of approved skis


steals hub caps from cars
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at peace
And that's why I am extremely skeptical any time anyone posts that their agent hooked them up. Maybe that's what the agent truly believes, but at claim time you find out just how much that policy was worth. I am not discounting legit policies, but I would encourage potential buyers to look over the policy text very very closely and if at all possible, speak to an underwriter
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