New Update on Joe's condition????


Standing Tall
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From what I have been hearing, improvments have been slow in coming.
But Yes, JK is improving.......... :Banane01:
I'm sure Lisa or Taylor, will give a confirmed report when they see this.
Gang - you need to start heading over to for current's too cumbersom, and quite frankly, depressing to post them to several different we were notified today they would only be giving updates on a bi-weekly's the latest:

Joe is doing fine, vision is a concern at present, another evoke potential vision test tomorrow. No definitive answers either way at this point. He continues to be a favorite among the nurses, therapists and a doctor or two. I still have him in the ICU, so there is a close watch. Being the showman that he is, he is always trying to impress and that is really helping in his recovery. Rehab facility will not take him because he can walk, so this poses some issues. He seriously needs cognitive rehabilitaiton, but MediCal's guidelines prohibit in-patient if they are mobile at all.

Joe will be leaving the hospital within the next week, he will be moving in with Marie and I. Therapy will be done in the home. I will have him call a few of you each day on my phone. His conversation may go well, but he has a long way to go, so don't be fooled. I encourage visitation but need to schedule it. This is going to take some time so I will be posting updates on a bi-weekly basis.

Shawn and Joe



In my mind you appear to me as 1 of Joe's Guardian Angels!
God Bless You!
All the best to Joe and a quick recovery
Don't give up Joe, I was once told to don't wait till tomorrow for what you can do today.
Some fo the best advice of I was ever given,keep goin !


Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2007 22:45:56 -0500

Joe will be leaving the hospital within the next week, I will send out an
update on his release. He will be moving in with Marie and I. Therapy
will be done in the home. I will have him call a few of you each day on
my phone. His conversation may go well, but he has a long way to go, so
don't be fooled. I encourage visitation but need to schedule it.

Shawn and Joe

From : Shawn Kenney & Taylor Curtis
Joe has literally hundreds of very good really. I just happen to be the one with the big mouth ;)

This whole thing has been such a roller coaster ride...we all care so deeply for Joe - he's just such a good person. This never should have happened to him.

I just hope and pray that by some blessing we'll have him back whole, but it's going to be a long hard please accept my personal thanks for all the support you have ALL given, both financially as well as emotionally. It means more than I could ever say...and I'm just his friend. I know the family is even more touched by your outpouring of love and support.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,


posted on
2/15/07 9:45 am PST

Joe is being released on Friday. I rented a 4/3 house so we have extra room for guests/assistants.

The new address:
7320 Valle Ave.
Atascadero, Ca. 93422.

I am sure he will want to speak with all of you, his phone is on vacation hold. So send me an email with numbers and best times to call. If you would like to visit let me know so I can schedule it. I may be away from the computer for some time during the move. Thanks - Shawn and Joe
Update to that - they're not moving him until at least Tuesday now....honestly, there's no sense in rishing him out - He'll get more intensive therapy at the hospital, but MediCal is naggin' about paying for any more, so that's why they're trying to push him out now =/
I was able to spend the weeked with Joe and let me tell you - our boy is still in there and workin his butt off!! I was super proud of all the progress he has made - we went on a nice long walk Sat outside and he loved it!! We sat by a fountain and I scratched his back -- he loved it! His face lit up like and his infamous JK grin came shining through!

He has a long road ahead but he is fighting and doing well. I read him the cards & emails everyone sent - I encourage you ALL to send a card - drop an email - sign the guestbook - as Shawn reads those messages and thoughts to him daily.



Site Supporter
Cleveland Ohio
I just got this bulletin on myspace from

I just talked to Joe on the phone! He sounds awsome! He is finally out of the hospital and has moved into a pad with his Brother Shawn...It wa truely amazing to converse with him after all he has been through....

If you don't know Joe or what happened to him check out this website to get the whole scoop and you can also leave him a get well message!
I was able to spend the weeked with Joe and let me tell you - our boy is still in there and workin his butt off!! I was super proud of all the progress he has made - we went on a nice long walk Sat outside and he loved it!! We sat by a fountain and I scratched his back -- he loved it! His face lit up like and his infamous JK grin came shining through!

He has a long road ahead but he is fighting and doing well. I read him the cards & emails everyone sent - I encourage you ALL to send a card - drop an email - sign the guestbook - as Shawn reads those messages and thoughts to him daily.


do you know if someone could show him our french vid to support him ?
if don't, are you able to show him ?

:hail: :hail:
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