How to install footholds


So long and thanks for all the fish
Foothold compendium - Installation, selection, comparisons, etc.

This section will relate to footholds, and contain links to the information to educate those who are unfamiliar with the art and science of Pedes retineo (foothold) (L)
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for me to POOP on!
Houston, TX READ 1st

Foothold comparison Gallery - SuperJETT Photo Gallery of differnet makes of footholds

Comprehensive Foothold List

PWCT: Foothold Install - Foam selection for getting the job done

PWCT: Watercraft Factory Footholds - Support that tray with a biaxial mat.

You can glue in footholds (5200), but best bet is to glass them in b/c you eliminate any possibility of water infiltration (which turns into wet foam which you do not want).

It is not rocket science, you can buy fiberglass from thousands of different retailers. US composites has properties of the cloth under the product photo. Pick a mix of weight and strength. You are installing footholds not making a prosthetic.

If you are unsure what to buy, then get a kit from Blowsion, 24/7 innovations, or Watercraft Factory.

Epoxy Resin:

Do not use polyester resin, epoxy only - has to do w/ bonding properties to the boat.
Get thin epoxy, not sure of why/when to use thick.
Hardener depends on temp, the cooler the temps the longer it takes for epoxy to harden... so in cooler temps fast hardener. Warmer temps slower hardener.
Read the website for properties (description) of the additives.

some website said:
E-glass is the most widely used fiber when strength and high electrical resistivity are required. S-glass is approximately 30% higher in strength than E-glass and has better properties at elevated temperatures.

To glass in footholds, glass cloth tape is easier to use than regular cloth. Glass footholds in along the seams.
Get 3" cloth tape and under specialty fabrics one of the biaxials.

  1. Remove turf and clean tray area well removing old turf glue.
  2. Cut out using whatever template was provided by foothold manufacturer.
  3. Remove enough foam to install the footholds, watch out for exhaust tube on the starboard of ski (the skis right facing the bow).
  4. Install footholds, secure with screws or rivets. If using screws, seal bonding layer of footholds (the overlapping edges) with 5200 and allow to cure. After 5200 fully cures remove screws. OPTIONAL: you can use an epoxy resin with some filler or milled fibers at a PB consistency and epoxy the footholds in.
  5. Optional: pour foam to fill voids behind footholds (this depends on how much foam you removed for installation).
  6. Cut fiberglass cloth or tape to lengths required, optional dry fit.
  7. Mix your epoxy resin and apply to glass and boat.
  8. Optional but highly recommended:Apply glass or bi-axial (10-14oz) mat across tray for added strength for gunwales.
  9. Allow cure time for epoxy.
  10. (Not sure about this step) Sand epoxy smooth and match (taper/fade) with boat for seamless install.
  11. Clean tray area and prep for turf.
  12. Turf.
  13. Braaaaap.
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Foothold install product list from US Composite (might be good in Tech FAQ section)

In preparation to install my first set of footholds I spent a reasonable amount of time figuring out what I needed for the job. I put together the following spreadsheet of what I think will be appropriate.

Please let me know if there is anything that I'm missing.

Also, wonder if this would be a good attachment to add to the "Intstalling footholds" thread in the "Tech FAQ" section.


  • EpoxyResinCosts4FootholdInstall.pdf
    9.3 KB · Views: 2,012
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