Need help finding sunkin' ski (Not Anymore!!!)

I sank my ski last sunday and we cant find it. Need help with information about how to get it back. Its in 35ft deep at the local lake. We have it marked closly with a gps unit but still cant find it with average depth finder. I have seen a cool humminbird side imaging sonar fish finder and think that might work. Does anyone have any info about getting it?

Or send money to the please save Mr. Bubbles fund:banghead:



Keep the divers on it, Ill bet it drifted quite a ways before making a landing. You will probably be surprised where you end up finding it. Good luck.


So long and thanks for all the fish
Also, maybe hook up with a serious bass fisher and pay him $50 or so to go scan the bottom for you? Those guys know how to read the bottom better than anyone and probably already have the equipment.

I'm talking about a serious fisherman, you know the ones that wear their sponsor shirts, trucks are stickered to hell, etc.


Shootin' The Crap
Waste Land said:
Time to break out the scuba

They've been doing that from what I understand....:banghead:

What a predicament to be in...:frown:

Good Luck, Luke. Finding this one should be quicker than ordering another to replace it. :biggrin:

Grand Rapids, MI
That sucks big time, Dale told me about it last week. Did you tell Jeff? He might have some ideas, when his F1-Pro sank he hired a local diver to find it (and the diver found it).

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
Royal Flush said:
They've been doing that from what I understand....:banghead:

What a predicament to be in...:frown:

Good Luck, Luke. Finding this one should be quicker than ordering another to replace it. :biggrin:

I thought he said they just marked it witha GPS....

I have another does one go about getting it out? Those inflatable things?

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
Mile9c1 said:
it's just a jetski... attach a rope to the boweye and pull it up.

with what? A house boat winch or something.....

I could be wrong and i have before but a SJ full of water doesnt seem easy to just pull up.


I had a vision!
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s florida
call your local salvage diver. It may save you some time and effort!

Once you pull it out, I think I'll be time to re-foam!!!!!!!!!


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Forget the sonar, it really doesnt help unless you have ocean mappers come out with the drag type sonar. Its near impossible to locate a narrow lump on a recreational sonar. I work at a fishing hunting store, and as I mentioned in another thread, I've dealt with sunken items before.

Do an expanding circle type search a couple times, I doubt a bass fishermen will be able to find it on a color sonar. I found my outboard the same way, and expanding circle. If your divers are just randomly making passes they are just costing you money because its impossible to know where your going even just 15 feet down. If the ski actually is resting on bottom, you will find it with the circle search, just do it a couple times. If its neutrally buoyant, it will probably wash up somewhere.

BTW, WF its not time for a re-foam, its time for foam. Skywalker took all the nose- foam out in order to fit an exhaust for his 800 PV engine.

What exactly caused it to sink? I didnt hear that part of the story, did the hood pop off? Handle-pole rip out?
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