Are you going to add another set of ride plate mounts so there are 4 bolts or is it going to be custom and accept one set. curious as to what the benifits of the angled chop in the back vs straight cut. Im going to be cutting into one of my own and this looks to be some more motivation to just cut away at my spare hull.
Its probably recommend running another set of bolts but after looking at it for a while and mainly being lazy i'm going to just run the 2 bolts and see how it goes. I've chopped the plate back heaps so there isn't much hanging over the edge so I think it should be sweet.
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The angled design is Carters creation so I just followed his advise.
He will be back in the US in a few weeks and will be producing these kits so might be a good idea to have a chat with him.
WB1994 the fuel tank and water box mounts are proving to be a massive pain. I ended up cutting the factory ones off the floor and shapping the bottom of them so they sit flush again. Now I just have to glass them in.