Super Jet First Superjet. Reinforcing, Defoaming, Ported 735

I just picked up my first superjet today. 1997, Just a hull, hood and handpole. I will be stripping the hull down and doing some reinforcements over the next few weeks. its going to be a winter project so I am in no rush. Before I start adding materials I wanted to weigh the ski and see if I need to refoam any water logged areas. What should the weight of the hull and hood be with all else removed? And also what are the common areas that need to be lightened up? Is it just the foot tray area? I will be posting pics questions and ideas as I go so hopefully you guys and girls can give me some advice and let me know if I should do anything differently. Thanks.


TigerCraft FV-PRO
Bare stock hull is usually 100-110 lbs. Re-foam is the only thing you need to do to lighten the ski. Bottom deck is SMC, so you must use epoxy resin. I prefer West System brand.
Ok I will get it on the scale tonight maybe and see what I come up with. Thank you for the info Yami-Rider. I just did my whole SXI project with west systems, thinking about going to a different brand, west systems is $$$. but I will cross that bridge when I get there. After I weigh it up my next couple of steps are reinforcing the bond line and laying some CF inside the engine compartment from what I have seen on other builds. I also plan on cutting out the foot tray to refoam and do my cooling lines. I will also do the bond line in the rear once the foot tray is out. The few questions I have is, whats the bust way to cut the tray and if anyone has some pics on how they made there cuts that would be great. I have seen it in other threads but a closer more detailed pic would be great if anyone has one. Thanks everyone
Weighed the hull and hood, hood was 18.2lbs and hull was 125.0 hull still had exhaust tubing in and hydro turf and a few other small pieces. I will weigh it again after I refoam and reinforce. This is all I have so far for pics of the ski I will be taking more as I go.superjet 3.jpgsuperjet 4.jpg


TigerCraft FV-PRO
Here are some links about de-foam/foam/etc/:

I used use white Polystyrene that they use for boat docks and cut it to fit then when i was all done i used pour foam threw the rail caps to lock everything together.
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Polystyrene is what i used
thank you fir the info, much needed

does any one have any experience using a spray in foam that expands as it dries?
I am refering to a product like "Great Stuff", one cam goes a long way and fills all of the voids.

What are the downsides to a product like this
Dnt use great stuff not good, if u use a 2 part expanding foam its good but if u dnt get your tray sealed up good, water will get in and foam will b soaked with water and itll get heavy, the polystyrene foam u get at a hardware store wont soak up water
ok thank you for the good info, i will stay away from the spray in foam

i found the two part from us composites which says its closed cell and will probably
go with that. I will also be getting allnof my materials for Cf and glass work there too.

once i get the tray open i will have a few questions on doing my dual water lines and i
would like to dona tube for a trim cable... i will have placement questions on that

if anyone has any other suggestions while im doing the tray please let me know

thanks everyone
Project was on the back burner for a couple of months.

Got the tray cut and am in the defoaming process now. I have also ordered a lowered hood and nose, and am planning on getting the xscream hand pole. I am still going over my options for footholds, I like the BOB footholds from ski clinic but am a little nervousness on doing that much gass work. Anyone have any recommendations on others or opinions on the BOB holds.

I have the hood, picked it up used for what i think was a good price.
Its CF, nice and light. Two handholds. Im probably going to need to do some small fitment adjustments and clean it up a bit.

Im not sure on the brand, to be honest i dont thinks its from any of the big names.

TX, i noticed u had the BOB holds in one of your posts.
any input on the install, and riding with them?


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The install wasn't to bad. I ended up cutting down the fiberglass pieces quite a bit. I sanded some on the backer boards to get them closer to the gunwales and reshape theme (gunwales). I glued them in with thickened epoxy. I put 2 layers of 12oz biax. Filled the gunwales with 2 part foam and shaped to my liking. And glassed my shape. No ride report yet. I've got some pretty good pics on my build thread

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thanks aero

and TX i just read through your build thread
and love the way its coming out. Love the rockered nose but i am in no way ready to tackle that.
Im definently leaning to the bob holds hate how tight the stock tray is.
Hopefully i can get some parts ordered when i get back from work


The Weaponizer
Site Supporter
If you choose to go with normal footholds for ease of install, I'd recommend tom21's footholds for 25mm pad. They're honestly huge, and provide tons of tray space..
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