Just Bought My First Wetsuit

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I've got the glow
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I will be coming to Daytona without my beloved skis BUT I am bringing my helmet, gloves, boots, and my first full-length wetsuit that I just purchased online.

I may be asking if I can borrow your ski for a spin and I just wanted to let you know ahead of time.

Thank you and see you there.
I will be coming to Daytona without my beloved skis BUT I am bringing my helmet, gloves, boots, and my first full-length wetsuit that I just purchased online.

I may be asking if I can borrow your ski for a spin and I just wanted to let you know ahead of time.

Thank you and see you there.

You can ride mine Mike. I owe ya one anyways.:biggthumpup:

Are you sure you can ride a superjet though? :biggrin:


Catnip Junkie!
B'ham, AL
Warm Pee in your suit acts like a radiator keeps you warmer longer :biggrin: :biggrin:

Shonuff you are more than welcome to ride one of mine! The little pink one has a fresh port job and 33cc domes and she is calling your name:purr: :purr: :purr:

That's if like Fly said "Can you ride a Superjet?" :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I was going to try to pimp a ride too, but since they sliced and diced me in surprise surgery Christmas Eve, I'll be lucky to even make the damned ride and just watch from the side lines =(



Catnip Junkie!
B'ham, AL
I was going to try to pimp a ride too, but since they sliced and diced me in surprise surgery Christmas Eve, I'll be lucky to even make the damned ride and just watch from the side lines =(


A clean plastic baggy and duct tape over your stitches and you will be ready! J/K I hope you make it to Daytona I would like to meet the notorious Lisa Lisa. I would say you could pimp one of mine but you might have to wrestle Shonuff for it. Second thought in your weaken state it might be a fair fight:biggrin: Heal Quickly:purr:
Dude - it's not the incisions (yes - 4 of them total) it's the fact the incisions are in my stomach, and they messed with the muscles (what little I had left...LOL!)

I am finally starting to feel better today, but I can gaurantee I won't be in the mood to drag lard-ass across a tray,, stand upright, and play in the surf in two weeks....

This is what happened (I won't get banned for linking to that other site will I? LOL!)


Sorry for the highjack.
Hey now - I have only peed in my wetsuit once - and that was after spending almost 18 hours in the ocean break in Morrow Bay for recertification on my open water and tow-in surfing certs. Shawn wouldn't let us out of the drills and break and so sooner or later, something had to give.

I tossed the suit after that by the way. I am one of those people who washes their suit after every use and never (normally) pees in them.



Hey now - I have only peed in my wetsuit once - and that was after spending almost 18 hours in the ocean break in Morrow Bay for recertification on my open water and tow-in surfing certs. Shawn wouldn't let us out of the drills and break and so sooner or later, something had to give.

I tossed the suit after that by the way. I am one of those people who washes their suit after every use and never (normally) pees in them.


what???? urine is freaking sterile... you can drink it. (i don't)

I would understand if you pooped your suit, but warm pee is just a perk
Nah - I'm a chick - everyone knows how irregular we are (aren't you glad you opened that can of worms???)

Nope - I'll be happy to just make it out there. Doc now says I've got a "little pnumonia"....so I'm busting hump chowing down on antibiotics hoping I don't have to cancel this trip =0
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