suggestions on how to improve Daytona for 2008?

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So long and thanks for all the fish
There are ideas floating around already I know, and some complaints.

Let's keep this thread looking for ways to better the event, not bashing something that might have happened.

I'll start:

1. an elevator for the skis/totes up/down the seawall - ok, maybe a bit expensive, but I can wish right?

2. for the raffle, I'm thinking we need one of the ground floor rooms in the middle to store all the stuff and the 'stage' is the patio for that room, that way there is room all the way around for people to listen/etc plus lights/power inside for handling the goods

3. related to the above, the sound system could be put on a balcony above that room

4. more people bring garden hoses with tee's/splitters for flushing the skis

5. I think it would be really cool to have a session where all the really good riders go out at the same time - slut, pete, havell, malone, bogart, serlin, jerry, paul, waterfreak, you get the point - for some awesome video footage

6. again related to the raffle, I can setup a large lcd monitor and display the raffle #'s while they are being announced, maybe even with what the item is

7. everyone lock up your valuables/rooms - I know we left our place open most of the time, both front and back doors, and now I feel super lucky we didn't get hit, possibly because we had so many people staying there

The Penguin

triple secret probation
maybe have the announcers on a second floor balconey

notify the waffle house ahead of time so they'll have more than 1 cook on duty and Mr. Fussy can get his hashbrowns the way he ordered them without getting griped at by a grumpy old lady :biggrin:


The Good Old Days
Don't allow anyone to park directly in front of the hotel on the beach.
Instead, set up a volley ball court and have some half naked chicks play all day every day.:biggrin:

Get all the skis out of the area during the Cherry Buster so all the cameras can focus on me when I rip off a monster backy. :biggthumpup:
I think with the amount of money raised they will allow a dedicated 4 wheeler/driver and a ramp.

You guys have proven beyond a doubt that you can handle it.


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
have it twice as often (at least). when getting a ride in the life guard hummer the beach patrol guy said they wished it would happen 4 times a year.
have it twice as often (at least). when getting a ride in the life guard hummer the beach patrol guy said they wished it would happen 4 times a year.

Those guys seem like cool dudes.

NOT like Ohio at all. Although they seem to be starting to get better. We'll see this summer.
i say move world finals out here, have the closed racing in the infield lake at the racetrack and have freestyle and freeride on the beach, and make nick in charge of everything
no one would complain about parking or pit space since just about everything at the track is paved, plenty of seating, ther3e is actually stuff to do in and aroundn the city and major airport access is a big plus
I think it would be great if the water patrol were in the water non-stop - especially for the Cherry Buster and Sickest Trick contests.

This is either the first time these riders have tried to pull off the biggest and/or most dangerous trick of their riding career, or are going as huge as possible to win a Pro/Am title, so the chances for injury and/or sunk boats are greatly increased.

I think the rescue guys did a bang up job, but the real stars IMHO were the volunteer ski riders. At one point in one heat during the Cherry Buster, there were three boats sunk - I've never seen stand-up and blasters do such an amazing rescue job. Nice work guys!

It would be great if a permit/permission could be obtained to allow approved use of the parking lot across the street for motorhomes. I know folks are happy to pay a fee = more money raised by the event for local commerce.

I like the idea to use the large concrete patio on the north end of the Makai for the raffle. Not sure how the regular "monthlys" would feel though as they had all but three of those rooms in that building reserved years in advance. Though they were such nice people, they'd probably pimp you their balcony's for free to toss swag off of.

A sound system on the beach would have been great, along with some simple announcing of what was going on. We couldn't hear anything up at the hotel, but had a great view.

Nick, the folks at the Makai were very accomodating - really appreciated the fact that they and the other guests were so tolerant of our behaviour this weekend. Perhaps next year they might make sure they have a few more rooms with working air conditioners though?

And finally - maybe a no-host bar during the raffle? Not sure what obtaining a 1 day liquer license would cost, but I'll even volunteer to staff the bar. Could be another big fund generator for the Jr. Lifeguards. (and I gaurantee the drinks will have nothing but alcohol in them).
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I think the rescue guys did a bang up job, but the real stars IMHO were the volunteer ski riders. At one point in one heat during the Cherry Buster, there were three boats sunk - I've never seen stand-up and blasters do such an amazing rescue job. Nice work guys!

WaveDemon pulled my ace in like a pro and then went back out with a bumb ankle and busted a backy in the next round! Thanks Tim!
I think it would be great if the water patrol were in the water non-stop - especially for the Cherry Buster and Sickest Trick contests.

This is either the first time these riders have tried to pull off the biggest and/or most dangerous trick of their riding career, or are going as huge as possible to win a Pro/Am title, so the chances for injury and/or sunk boats are greatly increased.

I think the rescue guys did a bang up job, but the real stars IMHO were the volunteer ski riders. At one point in one heat during the Cherry Buster, there were three boats sunk - I've never seen stand-up and blasters do such an amazing rescue job. Nice work guys!

It would be great if a permit/permission could be obtained to allow approved use of the parking lot across the street for motorhomes. I know folks are happy to pay a fee = more money raised by the event for local commerce.

I like the idea to use the large concrete patio on the north end of the Makai for the raffle. Not sure how the regular "monthlys" would feel though as they had all but three of those rooms in that building reserved years in advance. Though they were such nice people, they'd probably pimp you their balcony's for free to toss swag off of.

A sound system on the beach would have been great, along with some simple announcing of what was going on. We couldn't hear anything up at the hotel, but had a great view.

Nick, the folks at the Makai were very accomodating - really appreciated the fact that they and the other guests were so tolerant of our behaviour this weekend. Perhaps next year they might make sure they have a few more rooms with working air conditioners though?

And finally - maybe a no-host bar during the raffle? Not sure what obtaining a 1 day liquer license would cost, but I'll even volunteer to staff the bar. Could be another big fund generator for the Jr. Lifeguards. (and I gaurantee the drinks will have nothing but alcolhol in them).

great idea, but you make a good point about the cost and possible laws and loopholes to jump through to get it done..... one other alternative would be to work somehting out with a local bar to donate a portion of the revenue to the lifeguards fund, would be less of a hassle as far as costs and legal issues with the liquor license and what not


havin fun
clearwater FL
Perhaps next year they might make sure they have a few more rooms with working air conditioners though?


:haha: :haha: I would never complain because for the price what do you expect? but My a/c sounded like a 747 landing. I thought for sure that baby was gonna go, can't sleep now unless there is a huge wrenching/screeching noise in the room.
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