Brigantine surf vid

joe b

depth tester
northfield, nj
Some fun little waves this morning :fing02: Could'nt find anyone with their priorities right and ended up going out alone. Wavehog is sidelined with swimmers ear so I drug him along to keep an eye on me & catch some vids:ugh2: Thanks Carlito:smokin:
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No Square..No Round..FX-1
Some fun little waves this morning :fing02: Could'nt find anyone with their priorities right and ended up going out alone. Wavehog is sidelined with swimmers ear so I drug him along to keep an eye on me & catch some vids:ugh2: Thanks Carlito:smokin:

Too bad I had to WORK this am. Looks like some clean stuff was happening before the wind picked up and the temp dropped 15 degrees. Where was everyone else?

joe b

depth tester
northfield, nj
how is that new tubbie design? any more reviews??

It works good for me. It's light on the nose so I can really throw my weight forward. Rides higher in the water & the softer rail catches less & slides more. With the shape it really respondes to weight transfers and I use alot less steering. It's soo loose that if I use all my steering it spins. I wanna try comming into a wave Hot & spinning befor takeoff & launching fakie:laughing:

joe b

depth tester
northfield, nj
Too bad I had to WORK this am. Looks like some clean stuff was happening before the wind picked up and the temp dropped 15 degrees. Where was everyone else?

Come on.... You don't think I should of been working too:rocketwhore:

I'm calling early tommrow:phone:
That is some damn nice moto surfin. I love riding like that. Very aggressive. Great workout.

Nice azz re-entries.

joe b

depth tester
northfield, nj
I like the shower you got at 2:38 in the vid.......schweet!!

:Banane01: A little snap under the curtain :Banane01:

When I first went out it was dumping a little better... Got a nice backside cover up then went a little deeper on a frontside. Tucked in behind the peak, got close out on, & had the lip smash my face on my pole pad:boggled: I was seeing stars and I'm still not sure if my nose is broke:doh:
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