Big Kahuna
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  • Hey can you personal message me i have a question for you and i think you can help me? It isnt urgent or anything so take your time.
    @dnr2 i am pretty positive i sold you no blaster.
    You also have not contacted me about any situation you have or are having.
    Judging by looking at some of your recent post history it seems you may have bought BIRDMAN blaster.
    Thanks Dirtybird
    Can you retrieve it for me? I am trying to work it out but he is not taking any responsiibilty until I can show him the original listing I do have the pictures still. My cell is 508-331-4347 lynn 2 of 2

    Josh from Havoc hulls rage composite told me to email you PLEASE HELP! I bought a blaster for my son from dirty bird in MI that he listed on the x, when it got here the motor electronics have all been switched out. He has erased his original posting in the whole ski for sale page .
    Not sure why the post came up 3 times and I tried everything to delete them but as there is no delete button, how can I do this in the future. Dave
    Hey man, thnks for not slammin the ban hammer on me because i have different opinions than you. You are all right, i don't care what others PM me and say about ya. d-mop.
    Hey dude, I did my first ironman this summer and now I have the bug for a new bike. Do you know much about the tri bikes? I love the look of the cervelo p4 but everyone and their brother has on it seems. Kuota looks cool to.
    Well havent been on here in a long time and just wanted to say hey.
    Later shannon
    hey cracker...we are coming home at the end of the month! for good!
    i will cut a small piece first ...but is way heavier now when i got was like 95 ponds ...
    noup ...still haven't finish my stock ...close tho

    what were u up too? going to atlanta?

    codnt hear you ...we were at lesters eating
    oh come on Harrison!!! Bud light is disgusting no matter what you church it up with! You should be ashamed of yourself!!!!!!! :smashfreakB::nutkick:

    Friends don't let friends drink bud anything! :buttkick:
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