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  • I droped my phone for the last time and cant recieve calls, so You'll have to text me. Thats what happens when I drop it to many times lol!
    Wasssuuuuup Chris! Long time no see! Hey Im getting back into the jet ski game and Im looking for a descent rn and I have cash. Was wondering if you had or knew of any around for sale? (775)-443-2836 shoot me a text sometime id like to hear from yah! Hope everythings going great!

    Hey Chris! I need your # I accidentally deleted all my phone numbers!!! Fuel cells ready for you if you want to show it off!

    What were you running before??? How was it better? I just ordered one so I hope it will work out for me too. I'm currently running a 13/17 and it cavitates in the white water in the surf....any info will help.
    Whats up! Hey i got the info we need to do the carb. swap on pwctoday! i printed out the specs the guy gave me man! He lives in texas and he has the same motor with the same pipe and he sent me what he did and he said it works perfect!
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