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  • Hey it's Gabe. Hit me up I need a nozzle bored if you have the time. 910-546-7798
    sorry just saw this you need it bored still i already done it lol gets hard to keep track after awhile text is always best you should have my number
    Hi scraggly. My names ian. It was suggested that i contact you in a post. Im trying to track down a set of xft hood hooks for my 2nd ski. I have a set on the 1st ski. If you had the originals, could you make exact replicas? I can send pics if needed. THANKS!
    Pms are full but fri I will have the money for the motor and stuff so let me know whats up and we can get it going. Give me a call and we can figure out how to make it happen. 908 616 5794

    hey boy you need someone to pick that rock up your hiden under??? hit me up sometime hope all is going well for ya.. BTW going to sell th REV hull in a month or so..
    ya wasent fellin up for it my neck was and is killing me next time fosho, you going to daytona????
    ya it sucked not seeing you this year good to know you were working thow, saw your boy X2whatever???? let hi and some other doode ride th REV they didnt ride it long thoe. if you are comming or thinking about it hit up J-ROD he is on th lake-stay for free....
    sucks the nats are next weekend 3 dayweekend come know J-ROD has a place on th lake....
    Hey Man I would like to have that fpp headpipe that is supposedly non repairable if I could, I am looking at cutting one in half and doing a custom polaris based setup here but I have not found a good canidate yet.Cross just posted a blaster setup tonite pm him I would bet he will seperate good luck and thank's
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